Apple Retail Just Became A Better Place To Work, Here’s Why

Apple Retail has changed its employee scheduling policy, including things like more weekends off and less consecutive shifts, in an effort to give workers a better work-life balance.

By Iqra Butt | Published

This article is more than 2 years old

apple retail

The multinational technology company Apple is rolling out scheduling changes for their employees’ benefit as a result of the unionization efforts based on pay, working hours, and benefits. The Verge reports that Apple is working with anti-union lawyers at Littler Mendelson law firm to de-escalate the union fights. 

According to Fortune, Apple’s Senior Vice President of Retail and People, Deirdre O’Brien told staff in a recent video message that, “I am deeply committed to making Apple the best it could be for you, from scheduling to pay and benefits to development to the experience and environment in the stores.” With that in mind, Apple has already begun informing employees on the new regulations that will make the retail stores a better place to work.

These changes include part-time and full-time employees. Mactrast says that beginning on April 29th, 2023 the following policy changes will be effective:

  • A maximum of five consecutive workdays instead of the previous limit of six.
  • More weekend time off for part-time employees.
  • A consistent weekend workday or day off for full-time employees.

While other sources, such as Fortune, added that policy changes would also include:

  • A minimum of 12 hours in between shifts, an increase from the current minimum of 10 hours. 
  • Full-time employees are eligible for a weekend day off for every six-month period.
  • A maximum of three days per week that employees can work past 8 p.m., unless they choose to work late shifts.

It is unclear which policies will take effect and when, some will take effect in April while others may take longer.

It is important to note though, if you are considering working for Apple retail amidst these changes, the policies could be waived during busy seasons like holidays or new product drops. This is common in retail stores since more hands on deck and hours are needed during these times.

Just last year in 2022, Apple raised their employee’s starting pay to $22 which was a 45 percent increase from 2018. Overall, the voices and efforts of employees have been successful in the past, and it looks like their employees can expect another increase based on the recent statements and policy changes. This change likely comes from the pushback received from Atlanta organizers when they accused Apple of violating labor laws and creating an unfair election. 

It is not clear what pay and benefit changes look like yet if there are any, since Apple has not publicly announced any of these policy changes. We do know that Apple has been facing unionization efforts which are implementing changes for their employees. With these changes being implemented in Apple retail stores across the nation, employees can expect more work-life balance, fair treatment, and satisfaction with their employer. 

If Apple wants to contain the pushback of unions, have a healthy work-life balance for their employees, and remain a reputable top company, they will have to continue to put their employees’ needs as a priority to create a good workplace that adheres to labor laws and their needs. These new changes may be what makes Apple a better place to work.