Why You May Be Driving An Electric Vehicle By 2030, Even If You Don’t Want To
New legislation from the Biden administration will incentify every citizen to buy and use electric vehicles by 2030.

Driving electric vehicles is something that everyone will be doing whether they want to or not. America is proposing new legislation for carbon emissions emitted by vehicles. These new rules will incentify every citizen to buy and use electric vehicles by 2030. The Biden administration proposed these new rules this week.
These new rules would set strict limits on emissions for the automobile industry. The limits would be so strict that many automotive manufacturers would turn to producing electric vehicles over traditional combustion engine vehicles. This legislation will be finalized next year and could cause significant changes in the automobile industry and most citizens’ lives.
America has fallen behind Europe, which has already put legislation in place to ensure that all new cars produced by 2035 will be electric only. These plans made out by the Biden administration are more ambitious than Europe’s; whether that is a good thing or not remains to be seen.
These new rules are the most ambitious standards ever set for vehicles and will significantly help the battle we all have with climate change. The proposal has incentives like no fuel and considerably lower maintenance costs to entice people to invest in an electric vehicle. Also, these factors will help families out with the initial additional costs they would have changing to an electric vehicle.
Over 5 percent of vehicles sold last year in America were electric, so implanting these new rules could increase sales tenfold. In comparison to Europe, in 2021, electric cars amounted to over fifteen percent of new car sales.
While this new proposal will definitely increase the number of electric vehicles on the road, it doesn’t actually ban vehicles with combustion engines. But within the new law, the amount of carbon dioxide emitted by these cars is extremely limited. To keep producing gas-powered vehicles, automotive manufacturers will have to reduce emissions from their vehicles by thirteen percent every year.
Without actually banning combustion engine vehicles, these new rules will make it impossible for automobile manufacturers to produce them. The implementation of the proposed changes will ensure that by 2030, over sixty percent of vehicles on the road in America will be electric. This number will increase again in 2031 and again in 2032. For medium sized-truck, the projected uptake will be a little lower. By 2032, the Biden Administration forecasts that 46 percent of new trucks will be electric.
These new proposals for more stringent rules are a sharp increase on the previous targets the President and his administration set. Previously, he forecasted that half of the cars on the road would be electric by 2030.
This complete overhaul of the automotive industry may be shocking and unnerving for the top management in every multi-national automotive company operating and selling vehicles in America. In times of crisis, brutal and harsh decisions have to be made. It is something that needs to be done in order to get on the right side of climate change because, at the moment, it is winning.