Scientists Say A Certain Kind Of Rice Is As Bad For You As Candy
In a recent study, it was found that white rice gives you as great a chance of increased heart disease as candy.
This article is more than 2 years old

A new study by the American College of Cardiology is reporting that a diet with increased amounts of white rice is likely to leave you at greater risk for premature heart disease. With this kind being a staple for so many, this is something to consider. While white rice is likely to leave you vulnerable to heart disease, eating whole grains is associated with reduced risk.
In this recent study by the American College of Cardiology, the scientists focused on the population of Iranians and studied the link between refined grain consumption with the risk of coronary artery disease. The study is one of many which are thought to show higher consumption of refined grains, such as white rice, being linked to heart health problems. The levels were similar to those shown with candy consumption.
In the particular study put out by the American College of Cardiology, the lead author and doctor, Mohammad Amin Khajavi Gaskarei, specifically said, “A diet that includes consuming a high amount of unhealthy and refined grains can be considered similar to consuming a diet containing a lot of unhealthy sugars and oils.”
With these studies and reports, it is more important than ever for people to listen and consider their options. Despite white rice being such a staple for so many, there are other options and it does not have to be completely eliminated from the diet.
The study monitored over 2,000 people, some healthy, with no underlying health problems, and part of the participants with coronary artery disease. The study took a deep dive into just how often these people were consuming white rice as a refined grain. Ultimately, the results concluded a direct link between a higher intake of white rice being correlated with an increased risk of heart problems.
White rice is the most commonly consumed refined grain food, being consumed by populations all across the globe. China consumes more white rice than any other country, but it is considered a staple among almost every group of people. It is inexpensive, easy to digest, and is accessible throughout the world.
With white rice being one of the oldest grains in the world, it is no wonder that people are still consuming it today. It has a long shelf life, up to two years, leading people to buy it in large amounts. It is also extremely versatile, making it an ideal complement to any dish.
Although white rice is largely consumed, many people have referred to this staple as an “empty” carb. It is also more heavily processed than other types of rice. Through this process white rice goes through, it is stripped of the bran and germ, which contain many health and nutritional benefits.
White rice has also been considered to contribute to diabetes. Additionally, it is long associated with an increased risk of cancer and collects more arsenic than other food crops. People who also consume large portions of it regularly are at a higher risk for metabolic syndrome.
With everything, moderation is key. A simple swap from white rice to brown rice, even just a few times a week may leave you with a reduced risk for heart health problems. There are also other types of rice and grain to consider that are even healthier than brown rice, wild rice being one of them.
With studies repeatedly reporting the same findings regarding white rice, it is up to consumers to find balance in their diets and make necessary adjustments. Although white rice is a staple for many, it is time folk considered the alternative. Doing so, just may save your life.