The Best Things To Do Now To Vote In The Next Presidential Election

To vote, one must be registered and examine the candidates thoughtfully.

By Wendy Hernandez | Updated

This article is more than 2 years old


As of now, there are a little over 600 days until the next American presidential election. The presidential election is held every four years on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November. On this day, millions of Americans exercise their right and civic duty to elect their president. Indeed, the right to vote is an essential component of democracy.

As the next presidential election in the United States is quickly approaching, here are some of the best things you can do right now to prepare for the next presidential election.

Voter Registration

The first step in voting is to register. You can register to vote in person, by mail, or, depending on your state, by dropping your ballot in a drop box in specified areas of your town or city.

You can find out all the details on how to register at the following website: How to Register to Vote | USAGov.  According to the site, you can find out where you can vote in person on Election Day or earlier, what kind of identification you’ll need, and how to vote by absentee ballot sent by mail. 

Update Your Voter Registration

If you have moved or changed your name, you need to update your voter information. Your voter information must be up to date so that you can get your ballot and other voting materials at the right address. You can change your voter registration information online, by mail, or by clicking here for more guidance.

Examine the Candidates

It is critical to understand who you are voting for and what they stand for. Find out what the candidates think about important issues like healthcare, abortion, immigration, the economy, and education. You can also look into their voting records, speeches, and interviews to get a better sense of their character and principles. But remember, the choice is yours, and as such, you must do your due diligence when making such an important decision as voting for the next leader of the free world.

Don’t let the political commentators or popular media personalities pick your candidates or sway you in one direction. Voters should never give that much power to Tucker Carlson, Bill Maher, or Stephen Colbert; whether you’re left, right, or somewhere in between, you need to do your homework and not pass it off to biased individuals. And for the young voters, the same goes to you: do not let social media influencers or top-chart pop sensations tell you whom you should vote for. 

Who are the Candidates?

USA Today reports, as of now, that “two Republicans – former President Donald Trump and ex-South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley – already have announced. Biden is expected to run for reelection as well.” It goes without saying, however, that more folks with presidential aspirations will be joining the race to the White House in the coming months. 

Learn More About the Issues

It is critical to learn about the issues in addition to investigating the candidates. You can learn more about the concerns by reading news stories, visiting websites, and using social media. However, always consider the source when gleaning information about the candidates.

Election years are ripe for mudslinging, hyperbole, and blatant lies. In addition, strive to keep your thinking triangular; by doing so, you make an attempt to consider both sides of an argument before coming to your own, informed conclusion.

Mark Your Calendar

Make a note of Election Day on your calendar. The next presidential election will be held on November 5, 2024. It is critical to plan ahead of time and ensure that you will be able to vote on Election Day. You can seek an absentee ballot if you are unable to vote on Election Day.


Volunteering for a political group or campaign is a great way to show support for your candidate and make sure that other people can vote. You can help with voter registration, phone banking, canvassing, and other activities by volunteering. Volunteering can be a fulfilling activity that allows you to contribute to your community.

It should go without saying that voting is an important part of democracy, and it is important to take part in the democratic process during a presidential election. You can make sure your voice is heard in the next presidential election by registering to vote and casting your ballot for the best presidential candidate. The good news is that while the 2024 election will be upon us in no time, you still have plenty of time to get prepared to do your civic duty.