USPS Now Delivering Your Mail In Electric Vehicles And Installing Neighborhood Charging Stations To Do It

The USPS recently launched its first 9,000 electric delivery vehicles across 75 US counties and will begin installing 14,000 electric vehicle chargers to support its growing fleet and the EVs in the local community.

By Brian Scheid | Published

This article is more than 2 years old

USPS mail trucks electric vehicles

The United States Postal Service is ready to go all in on electric vehicles for its fleet of delivery vehicles. In addition to purchasing 9,000 new Ford EVs, they are planning to construct 14,000 additional charging stations that will cover 75 different counties. This not only impacts the USPS but also has positive impacts on EV owners, who will now have additional charging stations nationwide available to them.

Good News Network quotes United States Postmaster General Louis DeJoy saying, “We are moving forward with our plans to simultaneously improve our service, reduce our cost, grow our revenue, and improve the working environment for our employees.” The US inspector general has been conducting studies on the delivery requirements for its fleet of vehicles and found that 99 percent of all postal route’s lengths are in the range of 24 to 70 miles long. Every electric vehicle that is currently commercially available can travel these distances on a full charge which makes EVs a perfect solution for the Post Office.

Even the smallest of towns in the country have a post office so it is feasible the entire fleet can eventually be converted to electric vehicles. The benefits of utilizing electric vehicles over internal combustion engine vehicles are well-known by now, with reduced maintenance costs, vehicle life span, and zero emissions, it is a no-brainer to move in this direction. Especially with most inner-city delivery routes only averaging speeds between 0 – 35 miles per hour.

This will reduce the USPS carbon footprint on the planet which is one of the main priorities for companies across the globe in helping fight the effects that human existence has contributed to the global warming problem humanity is currently facing. USPS Postmaster General DeJoy also said, “Electrification of our vehicle fleet is now an important component of these initiatives. We have developed a strategy that mitigates both cost and risk of deployment, which enables execution on this initiative to begin now.”

It is estimated that by the year 2026, the USPS’s new vehicle purchases will be of the electric car variety. This not only helps bring down the business expenses of the Post Office but also positively drives the overall transition from gas-powered vehicles to electric vehicles sooner rather than later by providing these additional charging stations. Charging station availability is the most prevalent obstacle that is holding companies and consumers back from transitioning to this new, more environmentally friendly option.

This is truly an exciting development for the advocates of fighting climate change. It is well documented that one of the biggest contributing factors leading to an expedited climate change timeframe is the amount of carbon that is released into the atmosphere daily. Behind industrial factories, vehicles are the second biggest contributor to the amount of carbon dumped into the atmosphere. Electric Vehicles are the most viable solution to starting us on a road that will help us maintain this planet for future generations.