Twitter Edit Button Is Finally Here
Twitter users can finally rejoice! A Twitter edit button is finally on the horizon and will soon make its debut to blue users.
This article is more than 2 years old

The microblogging and social media service best known as Twitter went public with a “tweet” that left users with questions regarding an upcoming change. It was revealed that a much-long-awaited feature, the Twitter edit button was in the test stage. Apparently, this favorable function has been in the works for the past year. “if you see an edited Tweet it’s because we’re testing the edit button,” the company wrote. “[T]his is happening and you’ll be okay.”
These changes were announced on CNet stating the Twitter edit button was currently being tested internally within the company. Twitter Blue subscribers will see this function later this month. For those of you that are not currently Twitter Blue subscribers, a $5 monthly subscription service fee will allow you to undo tweets and read articles that are ad-free. All of this is made available with the Twitter edit button functionality for thirty minutes after publishing or tweeting. Any editing made using the Twitter edit button will add an icon, label, and timestamp so your Twitter readers will be able to see that you modified your original posting. The Twitter edit button label will show an edit history and any past versions that were posted.
Consumers have begged for the addition of a Twitter edit button for years but back in 2020 co-founder, Jack Dorsey, said that this functionality probably would never be added to Twitter. It wasn’t until back in April of this year that Twitter confirmed the new Twitter edit button was in the works.
Days after making the announcement about the much-requested Twitter edit button, Elon Musk joined Twitter’s board and made a deal to buy the company for an estimated $44 million. In July, Elon Musk announced he was backing out of the sale agreement he made with Twitter. Musk stated he had done so due to Twitter giving a false and misleading representation of various forms of consumer data including an unreliable number of users based on false or spam accounts. Twitter is still working to force the previous set deal, which values the company at share pricing that is approximately 25% above this week’s stated value.
Regardless, of Elon Musk vs. Twitter news, Twitter is pushing headlines with the public awareness of the hot press item the Twitter edit button. The principle behind the Twitter edit button is to take the stress and pressure away from new users and other consumers who may not tweet as often. The Twitter edit button will allow users to feel less overwhelmed and anxious with any tweets they post. This is especially true for new Twitter users as they learn how to maneuver within the social media platform.
When Twitter became available back in 2006 it was a bare-bones platform where a user would write a tweet, post it, and then be left to deal with any backlash of fat-fingered typos. Since Twitter has announced the upcoming Twitter edit button, more than 237 million users can now sigh in with relief in knowing auto-correct slip-ups, grammar mistakes, and tweeting errors are no longer set in stone. The ability to edit for Twitter Blue subscribers is here to the rescue!