Twitter Leaker Says Employees Are All Communists, Only Work 4 Hours A Week
See a Twitter employee expose his colleagues as communists that only work 4 hours per week.
This article is more than 2 years old

Following the acceptance of Elon Musk’s takeover bid, and despite the entire purchase currently being on hold, Twitter employees have been very vocal in voicing their concerns over the whole affair. Ironically, in an explosive revelation, a purported Senior Twitter Engineer has now gone on record stating that his colleagues were largely opposed to the takeover because of Musk’s promise of free speech. The employee has spouted accusations asserting that the whole organization is chock full of Twitter communists and alluded to the fact that it’s typical for employees to work no more than four hours per week.
Fueling the irony even further, the video recording of the senior engineer surfaced on none other than Twitter. Watch below as Siru Murugesan seemingly tells a Project Veritas reporter that his colleagues are a collective of Twitter communists that only work four hours per day.
Key takeaways from the video account include Twitter’s alleged non-belief in free speech and Murugesan’s overt accusations that alluded to the potential that he works with an army of Twitter communists. To support his argument he provided details that Twitter heavily censored right-wing accounts and highlighted that many people he works with are on the “left, left, left, left, left” side of the political spectrum. If any merit can be extrapolated from his comments, they could certainly stand to show why some employees are so opposed to Musk’s total takeover of the social media platform.
Perhaps even more astonishing than the fact that Twitter employees were all purported to be communists by Murugensan, was his comment that suggested employees get away with working a measly four hours per week. Interestingly enough, Murugesan alluded to the fact that the alleged Twitter communists are currently in fear for their jobs. It stands to reason that those employees are fearful because subsequent to a Musk takeover, working only four hours a week would logically no longer be tolerated.
At the surface level, Murugesan’s accusations regarding the employee culture at Twitter are startling and perhaps could even be disturbing to some. However, in examining the footage, it seems like Murugesan’s actual understanding of communism is minimal (and even jovial), at best. First, he states that Twitter operates like more of a socialist organization than a capitalist organization. He then states that individuals there are all “Commie as F*ck.” Communism is indeed a branch of socialism, however, it is an extreme branch. All communists are socialist, yes. But not all socialists are communists. Additionally, he equates the alleged Twitter communists’ activities to examples such as putting a person’s mental health before profits. Suffice to say, Murugesan’s comments sound a lot like abhorrent accusations and ill-informed generalities.
Second, you have to consider the source that initially published Murugesan’s account – Project Veritas. According to Media Bias Fact Check, which is a tool that tracks the factual accountability of news sites, Project Veritas has a history of publishing questionable information with little done in the way of fact-checking. Additionally, the publication tends to lean to the right. Taken out of context, Murugensan’s comments regarding Twitter communists would certainly seem to be in service of a right-wing perspective.
Regardless of one’s political positioning, there are important details that can be gleaned from Murugesan’s testimony aside from his mentions accusing the social media giant of employing an army of Twitter communists. If anything, it’s clear that there is an undercurrent of contention amongst employees that Musk will certainly need to address should his Twitter takeover actually become a reality.