Stats For Spotify – Best Places To Analyze Your Music
There are now so many great plays to get stats for Spotify, some of which happen well off the platform itself.
This article is more than 2 years old

In this day and age of social media, “sharing” is becoming a common theme. People love to share their daily routines. They love to share their adventures with family and friends. They love to share food and drink ideas. One other thing people are truly into sharing is their musical interests. People flock to various social media sites so they can share their favorite new song or artist and their favorite old song that brings back fond memories. Popular music streaming sites, such as Spotify, make this easy to do. And there are now so many cool ways to get stats for Spotify.
Spotify has created its own unique way to analyze your music taste. Stats for Spotify exist on the platform itself. Wrapped tallies up at the end of the year your most popular tracks and artists with a neat bow, but they only do this once a year. There are many of you who simply have no desire to wait that long, so we have decided to take a look at some of the most popular websites out there that make collecting and disseminating your Spotify data interesting and fun.
Regarding stats for Spotify, we have talked about a couple of these popular websites in the past and will do so again (briefly) here. But for the most part, we will introduce you to some websites that can offer you basic data to other sites that can get really into your listening habits and tastes. One thing of note, each of these websites will require you to log into your Spotify account so it can access your data to give you the results you are looking for. We know you probably don’t want to remain logged into these sites when grabbing stats for Spotify, so at the conclusion of our spiel, we are going to include instructions on how to remove a site’s access once you’ve given them a try.

As mentioned, we have already talked about a couple of these fun websites in the past, so we will leave those for the very end. There is no particular order for the new sites we are discussing, but as you will see, some of these are quick and fun websites while others get into very specific details about how you listen to music. You will also see that some of these stats for Spotify websites make sharing to your social media quite easy, while others, not so much.
Stats for Spotify is one of the more basic analyzers of your listening data, but this is also one of the more popular websites. It gives you a complete overview of the songs, artists, and genres that you have found to your liking. Stats for Spotify allows you to log into your account and create charts based on all the music you have listened to. Your music habits can be broken into three different timeframes – the previous four weeks, six months, and finally your all-time listening habits. Stats for Spotify allows you to see just how much if any, your music tastes have changed.
This popular website is now supposedly called “Judge My Spotify” though when you click on the link, you will see it is still going by the title, “How Bad is Your Spotify.” Regardless of the title, the stats for Spotify AI has remained the same, and is one of the more interesting websites that mines your Spotify data. This site became popular in late 2020 when it was introduced and offered “fun” (though some call them “snarky”) takes on your listening habits. The stats for Spotify site will analyze your top tracks, your favorite artists, and finally your top songs and then give you their opinion on your musical interests.
We know that there are plenty of you who are very much into mainstream music. Your tastes run from rock to pop to rap and you are all very proud of that fact. But we also know that there is a big handful of you who delve into the more obscure stylings of music. Obscurify is the stats for Spotify website for you. On this website, you will find many of the same features as other Spotify data mining websites, but you will also get to see just how obscure your music tastes run. You will see your top ten genres (which can be quite eclectic) plus you will get an obscurity rating. All of your data is displayed on an easy-to-read graph. Another cool feature with Obscurify is that it will show you your listening moods. It can decipher if your present listening taste runs happier, sadder, or even angrier than what you’ve been listening to in the past.
Discover Quickly just might be the most beneficial stats for Spotify site of the bunch. Not only does it do the job of sorting your playlists and songs and artists, but it will place them in specific categories such as their popularity or if they are danceable. It will place them in some crazy genres to such as “acid house” or “charred death.” Right? But what is truly a cool feature about this website is that it will then create a playlist based on your likes. When you are trying to build on that playlist, we all know how time-consuming it can be, especially if you have to listen to almost an entire song before you can determine if you like it or not. Discover Quickly allows you to hover over an album cover and it will start to play the best part of the song.
MusicTaste.Space is one of the more powerful Spotify data tools and places for stats for Spotify on the market. It allows you to compare and then share your listening habit results with friends and family. A simple log-on will get it started as the site’s algorithm tells you just how compatible your tastes are with your friends. The AI uses factors such as energy, acoustic factors, danceability, and the happiness of your favorite artists and songs. To see how your results compare with your friends or family, you simply send them a link and it will display all your stats for them to compare. This is a great site if you wish to collaborate with friends on creating great party playlists.
If you are someone who likes to run, then Run BPM might be your ticket to a happy jog. Using stats for Spotify, they claim they are the most advanced playlist tool for runners as they use the beats per minute of the songs in your playlist to help you keep your energy levels rocking. Once you log into Run BPM, your music library will be filtered by tempo and match itself to the pace you’re running. It is simple to get started. You just import one or more of your playlists and then go to a series of sliders that allows you to set your BPM, energy, danceability, and a couple of other metrics that will eventually give you the music you need for your run.
You won’t find a more exact name for what this website does than Sort Your Music. This stats for Spotify site allows users to arrange playlists based on how they sort them – the title track, duration, BPM, loudness, danceability, length, acoustic, pop, and valence. While it may sound a little complicated, it isn’t. After you log in, you will start choosing the column headings on how you wish to arrange your playlists. The website will then do the rest for you.
When it comes to stats for Spotify, Are you looking for a deep dive into your music tastes? Well, Skiley is probably the most comprehensive tool of the bunch. Not only can you get your playlists based on the usual suspects like the artist, song name, album title, and BPM, but you can also get your playlists based on genre or audio properties. Skiley will also get you lyrics to the songs you listen to and if you truly like a song, it can find your songs that are similar in style.
Maybe you are one who is simply into the aesthetics of your music and doesn’t always want the exact stats for Spotify. If so, then you may dig what MusicScape has to offer. This website analyzes your Spotify listening habits and turns them into landscapes across your screen. It takes the mood of your music, the energy it creates, and the mode and creates unique landscapes for your visual pleasure.
This one is for the Zodiac sign lover, and we know there are plenty of those out there. Astrology is in vogue with the Zodiac Affinity website. Here you will log in to your Spotify account and you will then see your top five songs that align with the different star signs. How they make this work and by what criteria is a mystery, which may be one of the attractions.
This Spotify data analysis website is one we have talked about in the recent past. It is simple to use and the results are fun. You will log in to your Spotify account and Receiptify will then take a look at your listening habits. When completed, you will be given results that resemble a store receipt. You will see your top songs over a given timeframe that you choose – last month, six months, and all-time. Receiptify also makes it easy to share your results with family and friends over the various social media channels.
Our final Spotify data analysis tool is also one we’ve mentioned previously. They have a cool catchphrase – “Bake your monthly genre pie” – and that is exactly what you get with Spotify Pie. After logging into your Spotify account, Spotify Pie will then analyze it and put the results into a shareable pie chart. It will be broken down into your most listened to artists and genres from the past month.
Data and account privacy are always priorities when it comes to giving out information, so we understand that while these sites are fun to play with, you probably don’t want to keep yourself logged into any of them. The best and easiest way to unlink your Spotify account from these websites is to go to the Spotify app settings and select “Remove Access.” Easy as pie.
These Spotify data sites are for the curious and those who want to show off. No doubt there has been a point in time that you were wondering just what kind of music taste you have. These sites can answer that question. While you’re at it, you can also share those results with your family and friends to show them just how great your taste in music truly is.