The One Restaurant Menu That May Shock And Disturb You
A 9/11-themed restaurant menu left those who saw it shocked and offended.
This article is more than 2 years old
A restaurant in Virginia is facing some serious backlash about its menu. The Clubhouse At Aquia Harbour posted its 9/11-themed Menu on its Facebook account to advertise its upcoming “Patriot Day” event. However, instead of drumming up excitement for the event, the restaurant’s account become inundated with people offended by the 9/11-themed menu.
The menu revived a lot of verbiage used following the devastating terrorist attack and attached those phrases of solidarity to food items. For example, it featured items like the “Never Forget Sampler,” and the “Remember-tini” cocktail. Perhaps even more appalling than reviving the phrases attached to that tragic day, the restaurant went as far as to name dishes after the heroes of Flight 93 with “Flight 93 Redirect Crab Dip” as well as the Pentagon with “Pentagon Pie.”
The entire menu was perceived as offensive by the vast majority of commenters who glanced at it. Other disturbingly named items on the 9/11-themed menu included “First Responder Flatbread,” “Freedom Flounder,” and “9/11 Oysters.” Monica Iken, an individual who lost her husband to the day’s tragic events, asserted to the Daily Mail that “9/11 should not be used to sell food and if one was going to do that the right thing would be to donate to a 9/11 related cause or foundation.”

The restaurant manager quickly realized the massive faux pas and moved swiftly to issue an apology, reported Business Insider. “I apologize for those I offended with the 9/11 seafood Sunday post. My intention was to bring attention to that horrific day 21 years ago. To honor those who lost so much as well those who gave everything that day,” lamented George White, manager of The Clubhouse At Aquia Harbour.
The restaurant has since revised its 9/11-themed menu. It is still moving forward with “Patriot Day,” but this time the theme revolves around American football. “Pentagon Pie” has been replaced with “Coin Toss Chocolate Pie.” The “Remember-tini” is now the “Touch Down-tini.” And “Freedom Oysters” were changed to “Offense Oysters.”
It’s sad to think that a restaurant, which happens to be located less than an hour away from the Pentagon in a town full of veterans and 9/11 survivors, could degrade that horrific day’s events to catchphrases on a 9/11-themed menu. This is true even if they meant no disrespect in doing so. Thankfully, the restaurant manager moved quickly to amend his egregious mistake. Still, the fact that this even occurred highlights just how short the memories of some folks are.
That being said, 9/11/2001 and the tragic events that defined that day are still very much alive and well in the minds of those who lived through what occurred that day. Perhaps that restaurant’s 9/11-themed menu mishap could serve as an astute reminder of that very fact. If you are interested in hearing a partial firsthand account of that day, please take a moment to listen here.