Shake Shack Releases Line Of Burger Scented Candles

Discover how you can get your hands on some burger-scented Shake Shack candles.

By Joseph Farago | Published

This article is more than 2 years old

Business collaborations are wilder than ever these days. Companies trying to maximize their outreach have taken the marketing world by storm with ventures from unconventional partnerships. Shake Shack is the most recent company to do so, initiating a new candle line with their very own burger scent. The Shake Shack candles is a collaboration with Brooklyn-based candle maker Apotheke.

Scented candles with unorthodox smells are not entirely a new concept. Other restaurants have tried selling candles with their signature food items, like KFC and Dairy Queen. The Shake Shack candles follow a similar trend, marketing wax candles with signature greasy-food smells.

Two Shake Shack candles were released on March 12th with the help of Brooklyn home fragrance brand Apotheke. Known as the Shake Shack x Apotheke Burger & Fries Duo set, two separate candles will be provided in the set. The scents are “Burger In The Park” and “Shake & Fries” to capture the familiar scents of walking into this fast-food chain. The former candle wants to bring in smells of Shake Shack’s home base in New York City, trying to tie in familiar aromas of springtime in Madison Square Park.

Chrissy Fichtl, the founder of Apotheke, said the collaboration started in the most nonchalant, 21st-century way: through an Instagram DM. Fitchl received a DM from Shake Shack founder Randy Garutti, revealing his love for the brand and its high-end home fragrances. After some messages back and forth with relatively casual conversation, a collaboration was born. Fitchl said they respected this approach, knocking around ideas together in a low-pressure conversation. After some brainstorming, the Shake Shack candles were born. Take a look at the fruits of the collaboration below.

Shake Shack Candles

Apotheke is not unfamiliar with incorporating unconventional scents into their candles and fragrances. Last year, the company released a line of candles with aromas from the signature drink from three different bars. These bars were included in the World’s 50 Best Bars list, which is how Apotheke got the idea for alcohol-scented candles. Through Givaudan’s ScentTrek technology, which is a technology that helps capture the scents of nature, Apotheke was able to nail down the perfect aroma for these candles. Due to the company’s success with bar-scented home fragrances, Apotheke was able to form the Shake Shack candles.

Though Apotheke is getting worldwide attention for its unique products, owner Fitchel says the company will remain local with its fundamental manufacturing practices. The candles are made entirely by hand in the same factory that was established in 2012, and Fitchel intends to keep it that way. The company continues to work with other local producers and businesses, which is a core reason why the Shake Shack venture became a reality. Making Shake Shack candles was a dream collaboration for Fitchel because they got to work with fellow New Yorkers to create “unusual yet iconic scents” as a home fragrance.

Shake Shack candles are now available to purchase for your home, studio, or office space. The candle set will be sold for $42 and is available for shipping worldwide on Apotheke’s website. If you’ve always dreamed of having your living space smell like a burger frying on a greasy grill, these candles surely won’t disappoint.