Obscurify – How Popular Are Your Spotify Tastes?
Obscurify connects to Spotify accounts and lets users know how popular their music tastes are compared to others.
This article is more than 2 years old

As we come to the end of 2022, the world’s most popular music streaming site, Spotify, has released its annual marketing campaign Spotify Wrapped. It gives users a complete compilation of their Spotify listening habits over the past year, habits that can then be shared over social media. While it is a very popular addition to the music streamer, it doesn’t tell the complete story. For that, users may wish to try out the app Obscurify.

If you ever wanted to know just where your musical tastes lie, Obscurify is a great place to start. This Spotify app is immediately innovative and tells users exactly their musical tastes by providing numerical data from their Spotify listening history.
Obscurify is one of the many apps created by Spotify users for Spotify users that include the aforementioned Spotify Wrapped, along with apps we’ve recently featured such as Spotify Instafest, Spotify Palette, Spotify Pie Chart, and Receiptify.
What makes Obscurify different from those others is that this app drills down into a user’s listening habits to let them know just how obscure their musical tastes are. Let’s take a look at exactly how Obscurify works.

To get the “obscure” results one is looking for is actually quite simple. Head on over to the Obscurify website here and log in by using your Spotify information (login ID and password). The app will then take a look at all of the listener’s Spotify data and present very detailed results.
Obscurify doesn’t just give the listener some throwaway data; instead, it goes deep into a Spotify listener’s habits and likes. Once logged in, the listener will see a “Welcome to Obscurify” banner, and under that, they will see “check out your stats below.” From there, Obscurify goes into great detail, which is broken down into the following:
Your Top Genres – This will be the first thing seen in Obscurify and it will give the listener their top 10 genres they have listened to. This could be broken down by country, soft rock, classic rock, singer-songwriter, or many other genres.

Obscurity Rating – The next thing Obscurify shows the listener is their Obscurity Rating. It will be shown as a percentage, telling the user just how obscure their music tastes are. The higher the number, the more obscure one’s taste in music is. For example, one might see 99%: Your music is more obscure than 99% of 1,692,314 US users on Obscurify. Under that, users will see a graph showing where they stand on the Obscurify scale.
Your Most Obscure – Here, listeners will see a rundown of their top five artists, and next to that they will get a list of their top five tracks.
All-Time Top Artists/Songs – Next, listeners will see a list of their all-time top artists. Initially, they will see their top 12 artists, but Obscurify provides a “show more” button underneath the 12 that, when pushed, will show their top 50 all-time artists. Now, if you wish to know your top all-time songs, Obscurify also has a “songs” button you can click on and, like the artists, it will show the top 12 all-time songs you’ve listened to. Just like with artists, listeners are given the “show more” button so they can see their all-time top 50 songs.
Your Moods – This is another interesting result given out by Obscurify. It measures a listener’s happiness, energy, danceability, and acousticness to the music listened to and compares these results with the US average.
Happiness – This tells the listener first that music with high happiness sounds more positive while songs with low happiness sound more negative. The results one gets will look something like this: Your music is getting sadder or angrier. Your current taste is 19.0% happier than average. Your all-time taste is 30.5% happier than average.
Danceability – This tells the listener just how danceable their music has been. It is based on one’s music taste by tempo, rhythm, and beat strength. It will tell the listener their current danceability and also their all-time danceability.
Energy – How energetic is the music you listen to? Death metal will give listeners a high energetic mark while something along the lines of smooth jazz will register much lower. As with Happiness and Danceability, a listener’s musical energy will be shown in their current taste and their all-time taste.
Acousticness – This measurement details music that is more acoustic in nature (acoustic instruments and vocals) versus electronic ones. Results will show if the listener’s current taste in music is more acoustic than electric, and it will also show a listener’s all-time taste.
By the Decades – The next thing Obscurify shows is the listener’s musical tastes by the decades. It will give results like: You’re a musical time traveler! You’ve been listening to music made from a whopping six decades. It will then break down their favorite musical decade currently, and then their favorite all-time musical decade.
Obscurify will have these results in a simple colored pie chart broken down by all of the musical decades the listeners have enjoyed. Underneath that, listeners will see a breakdown of each song in each decade they have listened to.
Listeners have pretty much come to the end of their Obscurify experience. Here is where users have the chance to share their results with friends and family by generating a unique URL to share their Obscurify profile. After this, users will also see recommendations from the website based on one’s listening habits.
While Spotify Wrapped has added new “personality” categories for listeners’ music streaming habits, Obscurify goes into great detail, informing users just how obscure their listening habits and music tastes truly are. It is a fun way to not only see where one stands on the obscure scale but to also share with friends and family your musical predilections. Give it a try, the results may even surprise you.