The Best New Year’s Resolution For Your Zodiac Sign
Learn what New Year's Resolution is best for you to make based on your Zodiac sign.
This article is more than 2 years old
Well, it’s almost the New Year! 2023 will come in with hope for a strong, happy future. Most folks are searching for health, maybe looking to join a gym, some fun reunions with family, and maybe even a stronger financial outlook. We’re hoping that 2023 will come in quietly and not bring with it any more chaos. One way we can do that is by setting intentions and creating New Year’s resolutions that put us all in a more positive mindset.
According to Vice, a great way to create a New Year’s resolution is not by choosing some arbitrary goal that you might not hit but by looking at your zodiac sign. If you align your resolution with your sign, chances are things will work out better for you.
Those who follow astrology believe (or want to believe) that the placement of the stars and other celestial bodies has an impact on how we act or what happens here on Earth. With the time to make New Year’s resolutions, why not look to the heavens to help guide you?
Although astrology is just a way to bring order and find purpose in a world where anything can happen, it’s fun to know your sun sign, especially if it can help when choosing a New Year’s resolution that you’ll stick to. Whether you want to lay off the wine or get your finances under control, there’s a goal for you here.
Here are the signs and a simple explanation of what your New Year’s resolution should be.
Look to grow spiritually this year. You may be focusing on what it means to be a better person or find ways to create a stronger spiritual bond. Because Saturn is in Pisces, you will be able to find some more discipline.
You may be wanting to organize your home, life, and finances but may find it difficult. Set boundaries and protect your time. Look to pull back on screen time and set a schedule. Look to dedicate your time to a regular club or meeting.
Slow down, you’re moving too fast! Bake, make some chili, and chill. You may have your eyes on a position of power and authority, but you need to be more well-rested. So lay on the couch and binge some Netflix. Nothing wrong with that.
It’s time for you to take on the world and do some traveling! Get out there and get educated on how the world works, and you may find yourself on a spiritual journey as well.
Don’t sit around comparing your life to others. Jealousy will get you nowhere. Connect with your inner self. Start a journal, meditate and find what brings you joy. You have more unique gifts than you know.
Having problems with commitment? This may apply to partnerships or even hobbies. Focus on being patient and slowing down. Others may have a challenge catching up to you. Work on your shyness and you could see yourself becoming a leader.
Give yourself a break! Learn to accept yourself for who you are, including all your idiosyncrasies and things that make you, you. Give yourself room to learn. Take your spa days a little more seriously and practice self-care.
Find more dedication in things that make you happy. Look to lead a game night with friends or search for more creativity in your everyday. Express yourself. Protect yourself from bad friendships or sketchy partners.
The theme for 2023 for you is “keep the home fires burning.” Perhaps you’re thinking about attending some therapy sessions to heal from past relationships in order to help your current one. There’s no downside there.
Step outside of your comfort zone, you creature of habit you! Even if it is just trying a new restaurant, do it. Focus on wellness and try a new workout routine. There are tons out there. Make sure your schedule allows for you to spread your wings.
A new understanding of finances will bring you to a better place this year. If you’re thinking of places to help the less fortunate, this will suit you well. Commit to a creative practice to get a new outlook on things.
Don’t give up on yourself! Let all negative self-talk go the way of 2022–in the past. Your attention span will increase, and you’ll find yourself redecorating your home to suit you more. Embrace all sides of yourself.
Even if you don’t believe in astrology, all this is great advice. So, take these New Year’s resolutions for what they’re worth. Look, if you’re looking for new music, just use Spotify and let the AI choose some music based on your sign. You’ll at least get something out of it.