See McDonald’s Delicious New Limited-Edition McFlurry
Get a first hand look at McDonald's upcoming limited-edition Chocolate Pretzel McFlurry that will be sure to leave your mouth watering.
This article is more than 2 years old

While many go to McDonald’s for its burgers and fries, it’s also well known for its ice cream machine (and how it’s often unable to operate). When the device is intact, McDonald’s produces one of America’s most delicious ice cream treats: the McFlurry. A new flavor edition will be added to the chain’s repertoire this summer. Starting May 25, you’ll be able to purchase the Chocolate Pretzel McFlurry at most stores around the country. Take a look at it in all its delicious glory below.

The new Chocolate Pretzel McFlurrey tastes exactly as it sounds. The mixture combines vanilla ice cream, chocolate-covered pretzel pieces, and caramel for a delicious, sweet summer treat. The fast-food chain made a statement regarding the creation, saying that it is the “perfect combination of salty and sweet.” Many of America’s best desserts combine those two tastes, like peanut butter and chocolate or cookies and sea salt. Now, McDonald’s is having some fun with the latest McFlurrey’s flavor complexity.
The Chocolate Pretzel McFlurrey will come in two different sizes, snack size and regular, and will vary in price depending on which city the McDonald’s you go to is located. Alongside this McFlurrey, McDonald’s has announced another dessert option to its national menu that’ll be released in September. Glazed donuts will be available in stores across the country this fall, the first change to the McCafé Bakery menu since its inception in 2020.
Like most chains, switching around the menu is critical to keep customer sales up and traffic ongoing. McDonald’s regularly updates its McFlurrey options, introducing unique, limited-edition flavors for optimal customer excitement. The introduction of a different flavor will often attract new ice cream enjoyers to the establishment. In the past, McDonald’s has added well-known candies and treats to its McFlurrey’s, like Reese’s, Oreos, and M&M’s. McDonald’s finally released the Chocolate Pretzel McFlurrey with one of America’s most iconic snacks: pretzels.
McDonald’s providing the Chocolate Pretzel McFlurry as a new ice cream option is to help customer engagement and increase general sales. Last year, the fast-food chain had to raise its prices to compete with the rising inflation rate in America. McDonald’s increased all product costs by an average of 6%, which frustrated many customers nationwide. In the first quarter of 2022, prices were recorded as 8% higher than in the previous year. McDonald’s had to introduce new options for customers to purchase despite the accelerating cost of menu items.
Despite the inflation rate, McDonald’s reported great sales in its first quarter of 2022. The fast-food chain stores that were opened in the last 13 months climbed by 11% in sales in this fiscal quarter. For all United States stores, sales went up by 3.5%. The company depends on exciting menu changes, like adding the Chocolate Pretzel McFlurrey, to continue its upward sales climb regardless of inflation.
Though McDonald’s prices are increasing, its desserts are still relatively cheap. The Chocolate Pretzel McFlurrey will definitely be bought in droves as it’s introduced to more stores around the country. To fight the summer heat, there’s nothing that can cool a person down quite like a refreshing McFlurrey.