How To Tell If You Are An Introvert Or An Extrovert
Introverts and extroverts are the opposites of one another, but you do know which personality type with which you most align?
This article is more than 2 years old

Are you one of those types of people who love attention? Whether you’re the center of it or just part of it, things need to be moving for you. Then again, you may be one who longs for solitude. You work best by your lonesome and prefer this not to change. These personality traits are called extroverts and introverts. There are numerous personality quizzes out there that can show you where you fit but let’s just what the differences are between the two and how you can tell if you are an introvert or an extrovert.
Understanding whether you are an introvert or an extrovert means understanding just how you respond to everyday social situations and stimuli. For general purposes, an introvert is very much an anti-social creature, preferring to work out their matters on their own while remaining isolated from groups. Extroverts are entirely the opposite. They prefer the spotlight of everyday life and have zero issues with becoming the center of attention. They can be loud and boisterous and if need be, they can crank it to an even higher tune.
As human beings, things aren’t always so cut and dry, black or white. There are countless nuances that make up our individual personalities, things that make us tick, so there are definitely gray areas we work in. There are many of us who fall within both sides of the spectrum, allowing for both introvert and extrovert tendencies. This is one reason personality tests are popular. They can show you the gray areas and define where you sit on the introvert/extrovert scale.
What makes a person an introvert? Well, you might possibly be one if you enjoy spending time alone. You work well alone, and you can entertain yourself without having to worry about the presence of others. Now, if you have the company of others, the quality time is spent with one, perhaps two people, which is what you prefer over being with large groups.
You might be an introvert if you require some major “rest time” after a busy workday or spending that time with your small group. You require this rest so you can recharge your batteries on the off chance you find yourself situated in your small group again in the near future. Of course, this is not your preference.
You may also be an introvert if you are the type who can easily get lost in your thoughts. An introvert will need time to process information and you have the need to really think things through. You do not need the assistance of others to help you through these thoughtful processes either.
What makes a person an extrovert? Well, take everything said about an introvert and go totally opposite. An extrovert hates spending time alone. They would much rather be hanging out in a large group and have no problem letting everyone know this. Crowds, parties, and other large gatherings are your jam, and if they include new people and people you do not know, even better.
An extrovert’s idea of “recharging” is being with a large group. A large group is what they crave, and it doesn’t take long for an extrovert to be at 100%. Extroverts are outspoken (go figure), very talkative (seriously), and they love (yes, they do) being the center of attention.
We’ve gone over what an introvert and extrovert are, so we have an idea of their differences. Chelsea Connors, MS, NCC, LPC-A, is a Board Certified Coach and therapist and tells CNet, “When I think about the words introvert and extrovert, I think about the ways in which people relate to themselves, and the world around them.” Connors feels that the biggest difference between those two types of people is how they prefer to spend their time.
“Typically, introverts tend to enjoy more time to themselves, are very aware of their internal thoughts and recharge more in solitude. Extroverts can be just the opposite. Extroverts are often more outspoken, outgoing and absolutely love being around other people. That’s what really fills them up,” Connors said.
According to Connors, people also take a cue from how they feel after socializing in how they determine if they are an introvert or an extrovert. “We often see that extroverts feel refueled and filled up after being with a crowd and connecting with more people, while introverts may feel drained by that same experience,” Connors said.
So, what happens if you identify with having both introvert and extrovert tendencies? There is a name for it and there are plenty out there who fall into this category. They are called ambiverts. This is where a person finds themselves walking that fine line between being an introvert and an extrovert. You don’t mind hanging out with large groups, but you also enjoy your solitude. While you don’t prefer having the spotlight shined on you, if it so happens to tilt in your direction from time to time, you have no issue with that as well.
As an ambivert, you are very flexible when it comes to solving problems. You don’t have one specific approach to it – you can easily discuss a problem one time and the next you prefer to sit back ad take notes on it. You are also a good active listener. This shows that you are fully engaged in a conversation and typically, you will listen carefully at first and then respond, instead of jumping in immediately to offer your opinion.
As an ambivert, you have a natural talent for bringing out others in conversation. You have no problem speaking up, but your talent lies in allowing others to have their say as well. If you are put in a new situation, you can easily adapt. Going from a night in quietly reading a book to a noisy night out is not something that will bother you. An ambivert lifestyle is a balance, but one most welcome in any situation.
There are a few quizzes out there that can help you decide what side of the spectrum you are on, or if you fall more into the middle. A few popular ones include the Myers Briggs Type Indicator, the Enneagram, and the DiSC profile. If you wish for a quicker test, you can always run on over to the Very Well Mind quiz.
So, what are you? Are you the out-in-front, outgoing, loud, and boisterous extrovert or do you prefer to keep things low-key, quiet, and to yourself? Maybe you are a bit of both. For some, you already know and if others know, then so do your family and friends. But if you don’t and wish to know if you’re an introvert or an extrovert, check out one of the above personality tests. You’ll definitely get some answers there.