How to Find Gourmet-Quality Cheese At Great Prices
The best way to find gourmet cheese at a more affordable price is to befriend your local cheesemonger at a nearby farmer's market or artisanal shop so they can point you to the best deals.
This article is more than 2 years old

Looking to eat big but spend little this year? We all are. And, there are a couple of strategies in order to employ saving some bucks at the grocery store. If you like cheese (duh, who doesn’t?), you’ll know that some types of cheeses are super expensive. But they are so good and so worth the cash. Well, grab your cheddar and spend just a little cheddar to get the gourmet cheese taste you deserve.
According to CNET, even when you’re saving your pennies, you can snag some great deals on gourmet cheese! It’s true! According to a cheesemonger (a person who specializes in fancy schmancy cheese), buying small-scale, local, artisanal cheese not only tastes better, it is better for everyone including the environment, not to mention the animals the cheese comes from.
When you buy local, your dollars go to a small locally-run farm. That money goes directly to the farmer and his or her family. Your first step in finding some deals on high-end gourmet cheese is to find your own cheesemonger and ask him or her some serious questions and get them to give you the dish on where the deals are. Cheesemongers say that although a place like Trader Joe’s is fantastic for finding deals, it’s hard to get the most for your money.
The cheesemonger who you find will guide you through some of his or her go-tos. He or she always has gourmet cheese “in their pocket” to guide you on some delicious high-class tastes. Depending on what you are looking for, your cheesemonger will guide you to what he or she thinks is best for your needs and wants. Just describe it, and they will get it.
Your cheesemonger will also be able to guide you to some larger dairies that still have quality products. In addition, gourmet cheese does go on sale from time to time. When you have a friend who is a cheesemonger, he or she can let you know when the sales occur. You kind of have to be “on call” for a cheese emergency. Cheese does have a lifespan (it may be a bit longer than other fresh foods) but when its expiration date starts coming close, the product has to move. And, it has to move fast. Sometimes you can even get it delivered straight to your front door.
It’s also a great way to check out new types of gourmet cheese and be a little bit more adventurous than they typically would be (considering the high cost). So, when the cost is high, you kinda want to stay with what you know you love. Another strategy is getting a gourmet cheese that has had a run-in with a shaky hand wielding a knife. Sometimes good cheeses have bad cuts and those have to go on sale too.
Even larger stores like an upscale section of a grocery store will have awkward cuts they need to get rid of. So be sure to ask! They should have a discount basket with the odd cuts that won’t do well at a fancy schmacy dinner party. They’ll do better in your regular ol’ kitchen. So you too can have some gourmet cheese.
When it comes to gourmet cheese and getting a deal, you have to think in some um, mathematical terms. Some cheeses have a sticker price of $30/pound. But, you rarely will need a pound of cheese no matter how good it is. So, consider asking for a half or even a quarter pound. Sometimes even less will be just enough. So, don’t worry about the big prices on a pound. Unless of course, you plan to go on a cheese bender.
In the end, it’s best to try out your local farmer’s market for your gourmet cheese. A little goes a long way with cheese and, well, most things. You just have to figure out a way to make it work.