Holiday Eggnog Now Being Made With Mayonnaise?
This article is more than 2 years old

Love it or hate it, eggnog is an iconic December treat. It has a distinctive flavor appreciated by young and old (though the latter often prefer theirs with alcohol). But news of a new eggnog style may give you pause before you partake.
Everyone makes their eggnog recipe a touch differently. No two are quite alike. However, all eggnog has a few basics.
First, you have to have your base. That consists of milk, sugar, cream, and…of course…eggs. After that, you can spice it how you like.
Traditional spices are cinnamon and nutmeg. You can also add a touch of vanilla if you’d like. Then, for the grownups in the rum, bourbon or rum is a traditional add-in.
Find a new favorite recipe by trying a few. Or perhaps you have a traditional family recipe passed down through the years. But if you are feeling brave this holiday season. You can try a new eggnog version making waves in the food world.
That new eggnog is actually a mayo-nog. But before you start crinkling up your nose, hear the mayo world out. According to Food&Wine, Hellman’s believes its mayonnaise has enough egg to offer a direct substitute in your eggnog concoction.
Although egg is not even the first ingredient in Hellman’s mayonnaise, it didn’t stop the company from pursuing its lofty goal. It teamed up with a mixologist for Muddling Memories, Cody Goldstein, to develop a rather interesting duo of creations. And they really want you to try the Frozen Mayo-nog & Snickerdoodle Mayo Cookie this month.
Not sure if that sounds appetizing or not? Well, you won’t know until you try it. But to do so, you will have to head into New York City.
The Frozen Mayo-nog is only available at “Amy Fontaine’s in New York City from now until December 15.” One glass of the unique eggnog will cost a hefty $16. And if you want to pair it with a Snickerdoodle Mayo Cookie, you will have to fork over $24.
But, hey. At the very least, you would be paying for a unique story. And, at best, bragging rights if it tastes good.
If you are not in New York City or planning a trip there in the next few weeks, don’t worry. The good news is that you can whip up a batch at home. Mudding Memories has the recipe on its Instagram page for anyone brave enough to give it a go.
It consists of “mayo, mixing dark rum, apple brandy, whole milk, heavy cream, simple syrup, vanilla, nutmeg, and cinnamon with a quarter-cup of Hellmann’s mayonnaise per three-serving batch. Toss it all into a blender and blend until smooth to reach boozy mayo heaven.” And if you are game for this version of eggnog, perhaps you are up for other creative twists.
Hidden Valley launched a RanchNog kit last year, though there’s no word on a potential repeat this year. And Kellogg’s made news with its Eggo Nog earlier this year. So, the good news is that there are plenty of options for intrepid food and drink explorers.