Get An Ice Cream Cone At Dairy Queen For Less Than $1
Learn where and how to get your next ice cream cone from Dairy Queen for less than a dollar.
This article is more than 2 years old

Dairy Queen has long been a reliable ice cream chain for Americans. To celebrate 75 years of DQ serving up delicious treats, the restaurant will be reducing the cost of a cone to 75 cents. The number represents their milestone and harkens back to earlier times when the ice cream cone price was just a few quarters.
Since Dairy Queen was founded in the lone star state, this celebratory event will occur in all Texas locations. 75-cent ice cream cones will be available from now until April 24th. You’ll be able to get a chocolate, vanilla, or chocolate-vanilla swirl dipped in chocolate for less than a dollar. The chain will also be offering a new flavor of dip called Fruity Blast. The Fruit Blast coating will have a light-purple hue, similar to the nostalgic, fruit-flavored sugary cereal that customers know and love.
The celebration is dedicated not only to 75 years of business but to Dairy Queen’s 600 locations that opened in Texas. Texas has more DQ stores than any other state, an undeniable accomplishment for the ice cream chain. Dairy Queens today exist all over the states, with the same iconic menu filled with tasty desserts and other American favorites. Every state has a Dairy Queen, except for Vermont, making this restaurant one of the most ubiquitous chains in the United States.
Dairy Queen prompts loyal customers to share their memories and stories about the chain on their website. You can visit the DQTexas website to send the company some of your affectionate thoughts if you’ve got a fond DQ memory. You can also tweet at the Dairy Queen handle or post on their Facebook page. There are many ways to engage with DQ’s 75th anniversary, showing how indebted the company is to its customer base.

Though Dairy Queen restaurants exist in a majority of the states in the US, Texas Dairy Queens operate very differently. In fact, even the individual stores in Texas include signature menu items that a location down the road won’t have. Many of the restaurants in the state have incorporated Texan-style fare. “Brazier” style Dairy Queens has the same menu items like hot dogs and hamburgers but uses the Brazier grilling style to cook the food. You can find a Brazier location by searching online or by spotting the large sign the Dairy Queen will have outside its store.
Even the ingredients at Texas Dairy Queens are unlike other stores in the US. Since these DQs operate under a different food management company, Texas Country Foods, the ingredients used by Texas stores will come from unique farms and manufacturers. From the buns to the vegetables to the condiments, the taste of DQ menu items will contrast the way the food tastes in other pockets of the US.
Regardless of where you are in the country, everyone can celebrate Dairy Queen’s outstanding 75 years of service. The legendary ice cream chain is ready to hear from its dependable customers about their favorite restaurant memories. If you’re fortunate to live in Texas, head to your nearest DQ for that unrealistically cheap ice cream cone.