Why Food Prices Could Continue To Surge
Food prices are projected to continue to rise due to a host of compounding factors that include continuing supply chain disruptions overseas and more recently the impact hurricane Ian had on Florida.
This article is more than 2 years old
As you probably know, inflation is at an all-time high, but this is just a drop in the ocean for why food prices are on the rise and why they will continue to rise. Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, food prices have been steadily increasing and understandably so, this is cause for worry for all consumers. There are numerous factors that are causing this spike and from the looks of it, food prices will continue to rise.
The coronavirus pandemic left the world in a state of shock and panic and created a ripple effect that the world can’t seem to shake. Along with the pandemic, came shutdowns across the globe. At one point, the supply chain was at a complete standstill, leaving food rotting and grocery stores empty.
This created a massive strain on our supply chain and continues to impact food prices. Farmers are also experiencing higher production costs. Fertilizer prices have skyrocketed and are getting harder and harder to come by, which leaves farmers no choice but to increase the prices of their crops which in turn, leaves consumers having to pay higher food prices.

Global events are another contributing factor to rising food prices. The war in Ukraine, worldwide droughts and an outbreak of avian flu are all contributing factors to the rising food prices. The avian flu left a shortage of eggs and poultry while the demand for these items remained the same.
Russia invading Ukraine impacted the price of wheat and other pantry staples and is contributing to the already high fertilizer cost. Additionally, One of the latest factors that are contributing to the ever-increasing cost of food is something that is completely out of anyone’s hands. CNN reported that Hurricane Ian is expected to cause yet another spike in not only food prices but gas prices as well.
Florida is a major supplier of some of the ingredients used to make fertilizer. With fertilizer already being at record high prices, this is sure to impact food prices even more. Additionally, orange juices and other citrus fruits produced in Florida will be greatly impacted.
With a shortage in food supplies, disruption to the supply chain, natural disasters, global events, and other factors impacting the rising cost of food prices, the demand for food remains the same. We must eat and that is without question. Despite all these factors, there is hope and it’s time for citizens to take control of their own food supply.
Americans and citizens of the world should begin to brace themselves and prepare as increases in food prices are practically inevitable. Despite the fact that most of the factors contributing to the increase in food prices are out of our hands, there are things we can do to combat this problem. If you haven’t already, consider planting a garden and investing in chickens.
Taking this a step further, plan with your neighbors and work together to create a garden plan. This is a very simple start to combat this problem of increase in food prices and it begins with neighbors working together.