Facebook Facing Massive Fine Because It Didn’t Keep User Data Safe
This article is more than 2 years old

After over a year of investigation, Facebook will have to pay a fine of $275 million. In this latest finding, Facebook has failed to follow privacy laws, and the Irish Protection Commission is ensuring that the company doesn’t get away with it. Users’ personal information was available on the internet, which directly violates Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation.
These are some of the strongest laws regarding privacy, and Facebook will have to pay up and face serious trouble if this continues to happen. These laws, however, are only covering European internet users, leaving others at risk. At the beginning of the internet, privacy was a significant concern, and obviously still is.
The latest privacy scandal surrounding Facebook and privacy concerns is no different than what has taken place in the past. A spokesperson for the company mentioned that protecting the privacy and security of users’ personal data is a critical component of how the company operates. Again, these are just words, and the actions, over and over again, say otherwise.
Facebook has said that they have made changes to the platform since the latest private investigation. Luckily for European users, Facebook has opted to house its headquarters in Ireland. The company must follow Europes General Data Protection Regulation laws.
Facebook has violated privacy laws and regulations in the past. They have also faced legal action surrounding privacy issues. Facebook has failed to tell people what data is collected and just how the data collected is used.
If you go on Facebook right now you are likely to have, at the very least, one friend who has a status copied and pasted saying something along the lines of, No, Facebook, you do not have permission to use my information.
People are aware of the misuse and collection of our private data from Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO, and co-founder of Facebook, has spoken up regarding his opinion in court regarding privacy, collected data, and Facebook.
In 2003, the Facebook founder built another website called Facemash, which has since been taken down. Users of Facemash spoke up about their pictures being used without permission. Zuckerberg apologized about this issue, like he often does regarding these sorts of matters, and then seemingly carried on.
Sometime between 2003 and 2005, an instant message exchange between the Facebook founder and a friend was alarming. In the message exchange, Zuckerberg mentions to his friend that if he needs information about anyone attending Harvard, to just ask. He then went on to say that he had over 4,000 emails, plus photos, addresses, and other private information.
Facebook paid a $550 million settlement in 2020 because the company violated privacy laws by collecting specific data collected that linked faces to individual identities. From his start to now, the founder has shown little to no genuine concern regarding people’s privacy. He may babble a few words and put out an apology, but actions that do not match words are just manipulation.
We were all likely sat down by our parents and told not to share sensitive information and that once something was on the internet, it was there forever. Those rules should still be observed. Do not depend on companies or other people to protect you or regard your privacy; protect yourself. Facebook is a cautionary tale in this warning.