Using These Popular Eyedrops Could Kill You
Incidents of hospitalization, blindness, and death have been reported from people using EzriCare eyedrops.
This article is more than 2 years old

The Centers for Disease Control is warning people of the dangers associated with using EzriCare eyedrops. One death and numerous cases of infection have been reported across nearly a dozen states in the US. The company has yet to issue an official recall.
There is currently an ongoing investigation by the CDC surrounding EzriCare eyedrops. The drops are supposed to work as an artificial tear to lubricate the eye. Upwards of 50 cases have been reported, leading to many different outcomes, including permanent loss of vision, hospitalization, and even death.
Testing has led officials to believe that the eyedrops may be contaminated with a bacteria called Pseudomonas aeruginous. The testing is still ongoing, and as of now, the results are seemingly inconclusive. One fact, though, is that EzriCare is preservative-free, so bacteria have the potential to grow inside the bottle.
EzriCare eyedrop company has apparently received zero complaints from customers, nor have they received any reports of negative experiences. Additionally, they have not been asked to recall the product and aren’t being proactive and recalling the product of their own will. However, the company is aware of the investigation and suggests that customers stop using the product until the results can be confirmed.
The situation and investigation are ongoing, and it is unclear when any results could be officially determined. Epidemiological research, as well as laboratory analyses, are being conducted. The reports that have been reported and undergone investigation did have findings that everyone with an infection has used the eyedrops.
So far, the bacteria found to be present in the tested bottles of eyedrops is resisting antibiotic treatment. The antibiotics that the bacteria is resisting include carbapenem, ceftazidime, and cefepime. This resistance means that the bacteria is extremely difficult to treat, which is why it may have led to a case of death.
The pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria that was found in the eyedrops are easily spread and were the cause of nearly 3,000 in a single year. Additionally, over 30,000 people were hospitalized because of the bacteria in 2017. Typically, pseudomonas bacteria is commonly found in water and soil.
This case of eyedrops causing death and hospitalization comes amid a new report finding that the United States spends the most amount of money on health care but has the poorest outcome. The US has the lowest life expectancy at birth and is the country with the most chronic illnesses.
The healthcare system in the United States is failing its citizens in every way possible. While something as simple as an eyedrop is being investigated because it caused people to die and go blind, companies are not even taking the necessary precautions to remove the product from shelves to prevent any further negative outcomes. How could this even happen in the first place?
It’s devastating for Americans to live with such a poor healthcare system. One would think that in a high-income country, citizens could live happy, healthy, long lives. Until things change, citizens should proceed with extreme caution and pay close attention to what they put into their bodies, including eyedrops.