The Egg Cleanse – Why It’s Becoming A Morning Trend
What is an egg cleanse and why are so many people now using it to start off their day with a healthy energy?
This article is more than 2 years old

Have you ever woken up in the morning with the feeling that something is off? Maybe you get up on the literal “wrong side of the bed.” Maybe, as you look for your slippers you stub your toe. Perhaps you are preparing to brush your teeth and your toothbrush takes a header on the floor. That “off” feeling is beginning to grow and you haven’t even stepped a foot outside your front door to start your work day. The dread of what could happen there. So, what if there was a way to combat this “off” feeling? Welcome to the world of an egg cleanse. It’s quickly becoming one of the most popular ways to start a day.

When you think of an egg cleanse, think of it as you would a colon cleanse, except an egg cleanse is designed to help you get rid of all the bad energies within your body. No, you won’t be making yourself an egg breakfast. In fact, you won’t be digesting any egg or any egg product at all. Instead, you will use the egg in a way you probably have never used it in the past. You are going to take a raw egg, shell and all, and rub it on your body. Your entire body.
Over the past few years, the egg cleanse has become quite popular. So, while it may seem as though this practice of removing the bad juju in your life is fairly new, the practice has actually been around for hundreds of centuries. We may know it as an egg cleanse, but it originated from the Mesoamerican dynasty and went (and still does in some cultures) by the name of “limpías.”
These limpías are Mexican Spiritual Cleansing rituals. There are many forms of limpías but the one we are focusing on is the egg cleanse. The goal of a limpías is to clean the body, the mind, the soul, and your emotions from any negative energies or thoughts.
There are those who believe that limpías can remove curses, hexes, and any witchcraft that may present itself. Once a limpías is complete, a person may feel happy, light, and at peace. These rituals are also used to attract love, happiness, health, work, and many other positive attributes to one’s life.
Limpías are also used for spiritual benefits. They are said they can be used for improving one’s connection to the spirit world. They are also used as a ritual to prepare for a ceremony. The egg cleanse is one such ritual used on both sides of the ledger – one for preparing a person and one for cleaning a person.
The egg cleanse doesn’t only have its roots steeped in Mesoamerica, but it also has been seen in other cultures as well. Various forms of the egg cleanse have been noted in ancient Greece and in Scotland as well. Let’s take a look at how an egg cleanse is performed.
There are a couple of ways you can set yourself up for an egg cleanse. What you will need, though, is one egg, one glass of water, salt, and if you prefer, you can add a candle to your cleanse. You may wish to clean the egg before you begin and do this by rinsing it in saltwater mixed with lemon juice. Once you wash the egg in this mixture, you then rinse it in clean water. You are now ready to proceed.
If you are using a candle, light the candle before beginning. Fill a clear glass about halfway with water. Let the water warm up to room temperature. Get your egg and hold it in both hands, letting it warm slightly. Here is when you want to let the egg know of your intentions. You can say something like, “With this egg cleanse, I wish to rid myself of bad energy.” You may also say something like, “After I complete this egg cleanse, I will no longer have bad luck.” Whatever your intentions are with the egg cleanse is how you should approach it.
Once that is complete, you then take the egg and rub it over your head, ears, and face. Your focus should be on removing the negative energy from your mind. After you are satisfied with that, you then rub the egg over the rest of your body – head to toe. As you rub, move the egg in small, clockwise circles. This is to release any bad energy from your body.
You may be asking yourself, why an egg? Well, an egg is normally regarded as a symbol of life and growth. It has always been considered an energetic tool that can absorb negative energy and spirits.
So, now that you have completed rubbing the egg over your entire body, your next step is to put it in a glass of water. Crack the egg, trying not to break the yolk, and drop it into the water. Now it is time to read the egg cleanse.

It is suggested that the best time to perform your egg cleanse would be a Sunday or Monday. This way it allows you to start the week on good footing and with a lot of strength. This can also be performed at the beginning of the month or even at the beginning of the new year as well. There are some, though, who believe midday on a Tuesday or Friday is the best time. It is recommended to perform your egg cleanse while you are alone unless you are performing one on someone else.
You are going to want to leave the egg in the water for a good ten minutes to get a proper read from your egg cleanse. There are many interpretations and meanings one can garner from their egg cleanse. Some are basic while others can be much more in-depth. Let’s take a look at a few of them.
- If the water smells bad after you drop the egg in it, or if you see blood in the yolk, this means that some type of illness (physical or mental) could be starting.
- If the water turns cloudy, it means there is bad luck surrounding you, which could be the cause of your bad or negative feelings.
- If the yolk takes the form of an eye, this means someone in your life has placed an evil eye on you. This means someone is trying to push negativity onto you.
- If the water bubbles when you drop the egg in or if you see bubbles in the egg, this means that the negative energy has been removed successfully.
- If when you drop the egg in the water and the water remains clear and there is no bubbling, this means there was no negative energy to begin with.
- If the egg white has a pyramid-like shape to it after dropping into the water, this could mean there is a blockage, and another form of cleansing is required.
To get those in-depth egg cleanse readings, you truly have to be all in with your beliefs and how the egg cleanse will help. There are a number of in-depth interpretations involving the cleanse. Here are a few.
- After breaking the egg and dropping it in the water the yolk gets a coat covering it, this means that there is someone in your life who is always disturbing you, wanting to provoke you to make you angry.
- On that note, if you break the egg and it has spikes facing downward, this means you have a lot of anger inside.
- If you happen to see geometric figures after dropping the egg in the water, they come with different meanings. For instance, a square shape means you need to forget the past and finally move forward. A triangle means you are feeling guilty about the lies you’ve been telling.
- If you happen to break the egg while conducting the egg cleanse, it is a sign that evil spirits are trying to stop you from cleansing yourself. In this instance, you need to restart your egg cleanse to get rid of the evil spirits.
You can see more interpretations and meanings here.
Thanks to Netflix’s Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, the practice of the egg cleanse has become a hit on TikTok. While some have used it for what they consider a cleanse, others such as Spiritguidedtarot, do not appreciate how the ritual has been appropriated. Here she is simply asking for respect towards her culture.