Dunkin’ Cold Brew Coffee Will Now Be Sold In A Very Weird Way
This article is more than 2 years old
Dunkin’ Donuts is an extremely popular brand on the East Coast. It has only recently started becoming used in the West Coast, as Starbucks had a head start in Seattle there. Dunkin’ Donuts’ most popular state is New York, so it’s no surprise that even Dunkin’ cold brew is popular year-round. However, Starbucks and Dunkin’ Donuts continue to have their rivalry.
The time for Dunkin’ Donuts to up their game has come. Now coming to a store near you is Dunkin’ cold brew! According to Food & Wine, the coffee and donut brand will soon be selling its cold brew in concentrate for ease of use and for those who love the cold brew but are in a hurry.
Cold brew concentrate is created by steeping roasted coffee beans in cold- or room-temperature water for several hours. The end result is a smooth and flavorful concentrate that can be mixed with water or milk to make a beverage–quickly.
Dunkin’ cold brew concentrate will cater to a fourth wave of coffee customers who are busy, but still want an easy way to create a delicious specialty drink. Although Starbucks got a head start on the concentrate coffee trend, Dunkin cold brew is steaming right ahead.
Starbucks unveiled its cold brew in 2014 and recently took the drink up a notch with its vanilla sweet cream flavor. Dunkin cold brew has a lot of ground to make up for, but the brand is betting that its concentrate will help pave the path of more success this year and in the future.
People do love their roasted hot coffee as instant coffee sales were less than double of made-to-order drinks in 2022. But, Dunkin’ knows that people are busy and are willing to spend more to recreate a luxury coffee experience at home. Hence Dunkin’ cold brew’s exciting launch.
Although coffee sales have decreased since 2020, there is still a ginormous market of coffee drinkers in the United States, and globally. The COVID-19 pandemic forced many independent coffee shops to close. But bigger brands stayed strong just in time for Dunkin’ cold brew to see success.
Coffee has become “the world’s drink” and is found throughout the globe. Today’s coffee is mostly grown in Brazil, followed by Vietnam. However, experts warn that global warming is making the cost of coffee rise. If we need to keep up our caffeine addiction, we should really be careful to keep our environment conducive to coffee bean creation.
Coffee is really the world’s most popular drink, and wherever you travel throughout the globe, you’ll find a different spin on coffee. From Dunkin’ cold brew to Starbucks’ cold brew to espresso to cappuccino, it could be said that coffee saves lives. And it really did when two miners were stuck in a mine and survived by ingesting the instant coffee they had with them.
We are rooting for Dunkin’ cold brew to be a success. After all, the East Coast loves its coffee to fuel its fast and furious pace. And, have you had their donuts? Yum, yum, yum. Coffee and donuts. We are here for it all day long.