Dolly Parton Teams Up With Iconic Baking Brand, See The Collection

Dolly Parton has teamed up with Duncan Hines to release a fabulous collection that includes baking mixes, utensils, and more.

By Trista Sobeck | Published

This article is more than 2 years old

dolly parton Duncan HInes

Are you ready to bake life a little sweeter? Dolly Parton is ready to help you do so. Although last year and some of this year, baking necessities, like milk, butter, and eggs, were a bit hard to come by, when Dolly talks, people listen. And, when she co-brands with a sweet company like Duncan Hines, folks are gonna bake as they’ve never baked before. And yes, the Dolly Parton collection is already sold out. Sorry. 

According to a recent Tweet by Dolly Parton herself, it’s time to start backing again because the best things in life are sweet. She then goes on to promote her Duncan Hines collection before it’s gone. Yeah, it’s gone. 

The Duncan Hines and Dolly Parton collection features Dolly’s gorgeous face framed with big blonde hair. Hey, the bigger the hair, the closer to God! The box of the various products are pink! It’s no surprise that this collection came out near Valentine’s Day. After all, Dolly is America’s sweetheart!

This is not the first time that a co-brand has dropped into the arms of extreme success. Recently, Playboy co-branded itself with brands like Yandy and Pacific Sun. This is an attempt to make Playboy feel fun and not just naughty. With Dolly Parton’s co-branding with Duncan Hines, it just takes two sweet and adored brands and amplifies them. 

Dolly Parton is known for having a love of food and even told Taco Bell that she wants it to bring back her fave–the Mexican Pizza. Women love Dolly for her outspoken nature on things like food, her body, and of course her music and movies. Men love Dolly for … the exact same things! Duh! What else would it be? Dolly Parton is a gem and an American icon. In fact, she’s Miley Cyrus’s godmother. How perfect can one woman be? Well, for one she is perfect enough to get folks to buy Duncan Hines even though eggs, butter, and milk are expensive and challenging to come by. If Dolly says it, it is Dolly’s will. 

Dolly Parton’s Duncan Hines collection contains much more than cake and cornbread mixes! In addition, to Caramel Turtle Brownie Mix, Fudy Brownie Mix, a biscuit, and a cornbread & muffin mix, you also get a Dolly Parton tea towel, a Dolly-inspired spatula, three recipe cards, and a special note from Dolly herself. Must we remind you, that yes, they are sold out? No more available. Go make a regular cake. 

  • Duncan Hines Dolly Parton’s Caramel Turtle Brownie Mix
  • Duncan Hines Dolly Parton’s Fabulously Fudgy Brownie Mix
  • Duncan Hines Dolly Parton’s Buttermilk Biscuit Mix
  • Hines Dolly Parton’s Sweet Cornbread & Muffin Mix
  • A Dolly-inspired tea towel
  • A Dolly-inspired spatula
  • 3 Keepsake recipe cards
  • A Special Note from Dolly

Duncan Hines is doing all it can to push its recent co-branded collection and has even had Dolly herself talk about the collection on her Twitter account. And she glows in her cute Dolly way. The adorable baking collection was only available online, but you can still go to places like Walmart and get some of the pink boxes of mix.