Daniel Larson – Who Is This Very Odd Social Media Mystery Man?
Daniel Larson is a popular social media personality who has had some controversial posts regarding mental health.
This article is more than 2 years old

As the world of social media continues to evolve, influencers are constantly looking for ways to evolve with it. Some social media folks go to outrageous lengths with crazy ass stunts while others depend on their looks on places like OnlyFans to attract an audience. For the few hits, there are thousands upon thousands of mishits. Then there are some like Daniel Larson.
It’s not that Daniel Larson is a man of mystery; as you will soon see, he has no issue sharing vast amounts of his personal life. The questions as they pertain to Larson, his background, his following, his social media standing, and even his burgeoning music career, usually fall under the category of what is the truth and what is the hype. Much of what Daniel Larson is all about might also fall under the category of mental health.
As far as we can tell through massive amounts of digging, Daniel Larson was born in 1998 in Denver, Colorado. He lived a rough childhood, one where it is said he was abused by his parents. It was during one specific TikTok video where Larson detailed part of his childhood, explaining how abusive his mother was to him. Although TikTok eventually took down Larson’s video, it can still be found here on Reddit.
In the three-minute-long video, Daniel Larson decides it is time to “talk about my life and about what’s going on with me, and my disability, and the mental health system.”
He then goes on to talk about the year he was born and that when he was a toddler, his mother abused him. Because of this abuse, Larson was taken away from his mother “mainly because she was a safety threat” to him and he went to live with his grandmother.
Daniel Larson then goes on to explain that even before he went to preschool, he was “labeled as a person with a developmental autism, ADHD, bipolar.” But Larson had his doubts and makes that point perfectly clear when he says, “I am currently questioning, is this all true? Like, do I have a disability? Do I have, ya know, this crazy mental illness that people are really saying I have?”
Larson then goes on to try to answer his own question. He claims to have been with mental health care providers and foster care his entire life. He says because of this, he has never truly made any friends and that he was never taught right from wrong. But he doesn’t see that as his fault. He feels this is where “our world screws up.”
What Larson appears to be doing is shining a big spotlight on the mental health system and all of its flaws. “Here I am, 22 years old, in the mental health disability system, and I feel terrible. I hate my life, I hate just everything in general about it. I hate the care system. All I want is to live life and just make friends and, you know, the depression doesn’t come from social media it comes from the way I am being treated.” It seems like a pretty legit cry for help.
Things weren’t always this dark for Daniel Larson when he first entered the social media realm. He came on board social media in 2020 when he announced that he was running for president. Fans began to flock to him, calling him, in fact, “Mr. President.” His fame, as well as his schtick, didn’t last though, as his fans tired quickly. This forced Larson to change his online tactic.
In October 2020, Larson introduced what he called, “The Fog,” which were blurred or “foggy” videos of himself using his front-facing camera. Unfortunately, this attempt to change things up didn’t pan out. Larson took a five-month break from social media. It is said that during this time, Larson had returned to a mental health hospital to receive treatment.
When Daniel Larson returned to social media, he was bound and determined to gain a following. In an attempt to make this happen, Larson began to post more and more NSFW content. One of the videos Larson posted to his TikTok account had him moaning in pitch-black darkness.
Larson eventually explained that he thought he was under investigation for his possession of child pornography, and it was then speculated that trolls were responsible for making him think that. The problem for Larson was that he actually came out and admitted he had child porn.
Daniel Larson then found himself in a whole heap of trouble when on May 6, 2021, he went live on TikTok and exposed his genitals to the world. Not only was he banned from the platform, but he also became the brunt of numerous brutal memes. Not phased by being banned, Larson continued to create new accounts on TikTok that consistently got banned as well.
According to Daniel Larson’s Instagram page, his handle is daniellarsonrecords and he describes himself as a “celebrity singer songwriter actor and fashion model.” To prove his point about being a “singer songwriter,” Larson has cut numerous songs, posting them to his YouTube channel. One of his songs can be seen below.
Larson has his music on other audio platforms such as Soundcloud and Spotify. Give some of his tracks a listen and you decide if he has a future in the music business. His Soundcloud tracks can be heard here.
So, what do we make of this social media star? He has a very unique look and voice, so maybe there is a future for him as a social media influencer. Probably the bigger question that needs answering is whether his cry for help is legit or not.
Time and time again, Daniel Larson has turned to his social media to allow people to see what he has been dealing with when it comes to his mental health and those he feels are doing him wrong.
Not only that, but he also feels his disability care service is manipulating him as well.
What is real? What is the truth? Will we ever find out? With this internet star, it’s never clear.