Why Consumers Nationwide Have Suddenly Started Seeking Revenge From Retailers

Customers nationwide have begun seeking revenge from retailers in ways that range from leaving a bad review to becoming violent and disruptive due to plunging rates of customer satisfaction.

By Tiffany Velasquez | Published

This article is more than 2 years old

A recent article published by the Wall Street Journal has revealed that nearly 75 percent of customers are dissatisfied with their experience as a customer. Furthermore, customers seek revenge through online complaints, bad reviews, with some even becoming violent and disruptive. Depending on who you ask, the reasons differ as to why customers are seeking revenge against businesses are

Customers nowadays have high expectations. Companies often market and present themselves as the best of all the best, that ever was the best, but that’s just good marketing, right? Presenting yourself as an okay choice with a minimal offering doesn’t make sense.

Well, marketing techniques may leave customers with high expectations that companies and businesses, in reality, cannot fulfill. Suppose someone goes somewhere with an expectation, and the reality falls short. In that case, customers who do not know how to properly control their emotions may experience extreme rage and become a customer who seeks drastic revenge.

There are viral videos all across social media platforms that depict customers seeking revenge in the most outrageous ways. Customers who may be experiencing a low in life, carrying unprocessed trauma, or just a case of the Karens often take small situations to the extreme. Resorting to violence, physical and verbal assault, and unproductive communication tactics is never a good idea.

Customers seeking revenge in an extreme way should take a step back and think to themselves, is this bean burrito worth me busting a blood vessel in my eye from yelling so loudly? These types of outburst, from both men and women, is not actually a dissatisfaction of the establishment or employees who are receiving the brunt of the beating; the true dissatisfaction lies with the person overreacting.

Customers often attempt to handle unsatisfactory experiences and products effectively and still do not receive the proper treatment. A normal way to handle dissatisfaction would be to bring it to someone’s attention and discuss available options. Sometimes, customers seeking revenge who are level-headed leave reviews, which is perfectly acceptable.

In the case of a customer seeking revenge in the form of an online review after trying to make things right, other customers should know before getting into business with the establishment. In these cases, and with the fact that nearly 75% of customers are dissatisfied, maybe the industry needs to take a look in the mirror and see where it can improve.

The hotel industry, the food industry, telephone companies, and others with a high customer dissatisfaction rate and even height rate of customers seeking revenge could benefit from acting to correct themselves. Perhaps these industries need to take a look at how employees are being trained, implement certain strategies, and even take a look at upper-level employees to see how they can be more hands-on.

Customers seeking revenge and getting upset in a major way, in combination with businesses stepping up their customer service game, would combat these rising numbers of customer dissatisfaction. From both sides, it is important that people handle other people as people. Customers and customer service workers all have valid feelings and should each take accountability.