Coors Light Is Now Making Beer-Flavored Lollipops
Coors Light says its new beer-flavored lollipops will work to quell your March Madness tensions.
This article is more than 2 years old

Companies have been getting really creative with their beer in recent months. Guinness put a breakfast-inspired twist on its iconic amber ale by infusing it with English Breakfast tea. Natural Light resurrected its vintage brew with a retro hairstyle contest that will take you back a few decades. Does anyone recall the mullet craze? Amid all the beer buzz Coors Light didn’t want to be left out. So they stretched their creative legs and decided to turn their classic malt brew into a beer-flavored lollipop.
Coors Light is calling their new beer-flavored lollipop creation the “Chillollipop.” The company detailed that they were motivated to make the new sweet treat because of March Madness. While the correlation between March Madness and lollipops might not be immediately obvious, Coors Light said that they based their decision to develop the booze-flavored candy off of research that pointed to hard candy’s ability to soothe and calm people. With March Madness being a super stressful time for basketball enthusiasts, they wanted to capitalize on the lollipop’s potential effects by combining it with a beverage typically enjoyed during game time. Thus, beer-flavored lollipops now exist.
Marcelo Pascoa, vice president of Marketing at Coors, said that while he’s not exactly sure if the beer-flavored lollipops will work to quell heightened sports-induced tensions that he couldn’t “…imagine anyone has ever been unhappy or angry with a lollipop in their mouth.” Overall, Coors Light created the lollipops to “bring a moment of chill…During all the incredible highs and lows of March basketball.” As it turns out though, there may very well be some merit behind Coors Light’s thought process. Manhattan College Business Professor Donald Gibson said via a Coors Light statement that he believes “…something as simple as a lollipop could have a calming influence in an emotionally charged situation.”

Whether or not Gibson’s thoughts are correct certainly remains to be seen. However, if you are truly curious to find out you can give these beer-flavored lollipops a try. They can be purchased on Coors Light’s website for $3.17. They are sold in packs of six. The lollipops themselves were formulated with that iconic Coors Light flavor and even feature a frothy top to evoke the foamy feeling of when you first sip on a beer. They do not contain any alcohol, however, these pops are only intended for adults aged 21 and over.
Coors Light’s beer-flavored lollipops may or may not help to temper strong March Madness emotions, but in other matters, the company is working diligently to alleviate the strain its business inadvertently puts on the environment. The company has committed to completely eliminating plastic beer-holding rings from its packaging. They are nixing the rings and opting to instead pack their beer in recyclable cardboard boxes. In order to make it happen, they have invested $85 million in capital and are aiming to have the transition to sustainable packaging complete for their entire portfolio of brands by 2025. By their own account, this maneuver should prevent a whopping 400,000 pounds of plastic per year from ending up in landfills or wrapped around the necks of birds or various species of marine life.