Congress Declaring UFOs An Imminent Threat?
The government shocked the nation when they admitted UFOs were really. Now they are admitting something far scarier.
This article is more than 2 years old

We have yet to identify them, but they are a threat. We have yet to come face-to-face with one and whatever inhabits them, but still, they are considered a threat. Yes, we have seen some pretty amazing proof that something IS out there, but without a full-on confirmation, we continue to grasp, yet they still are threats. Well, at least this is what Congress is declaring with UFOs. So, are they here and if so, just what kind of threat do they pose?
For years now we’ve been seeing reports about the many strange lights in the sky. We have seen UFO orbs, UFOs over Utah, Charlotte, and Pakistan. We have seen UFOs near the water and over the water. We have received first-hand reports from Navy pilots documenting their run-ins with UFOs, and we’ve even had our government investigate anything UFO-related. We’ve even had a recent and highly overrated movie, Nope, tackle this UFO phenomenon. It seems all this activity has ramped up tremendously over the past 15 or so years.
So, with all of these instances of possible UFO interaction, we finally got something that many of us never thought we’d see. Congress sort of kinda in a way admitting that there is a possibility that they may not believe that the UFOs are man-made. And this admission was put down on paper.
So, what exactly is the Intelligence Authorization Act? The act was first introduced in March 1991, passed by the House in May 1991, passed by the Senate in June 1991, and finally given to then-President George Bush to sign into law on August 14, 1991. The role of this Act has been maneuvered since its passing, but for the most part, it is to ensure that all of America’s intelligence agencies have the resources necessary to protect our country.
The Fiscal Year 2023 has provisions in it such as “bolstering intelligence support for Ukraine,” “confronting the growing national security threat posed by China,” and “Strengthening oversight of national security threats associated with the regimes in Cuba and Venezuela,” just to name a few. But buried very deep in this report is an addendum that is sure to raise an eyebrow or two. This is where Congress made not one, but two, starling claims.
The first says that “cross-domain transmedium threats to the United States national security are expanding exponentially.” Well, that sounds ominous, as well it should. By the Pentagon’s definition, a “cross-domain transmedium” threat is one that has the ability to move from water to air to space in ways we can’t even fathom, especially since there is not one piece of equipment on Earth that can do this. To help in some way to figure these types of threats out, the Pentagon recently announced the creation of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (they always come up with such catchy titles) or the AARO. The creation of this would see Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (which is the fancy new way our brilliant government calls UFOs) to be reclassified as (wait for it) Unidentified Aerospace-Undersea Phenomena. Also, the Pentagon office would also be retitled to reflect this name change. The reason for this “undersea” designation is because last year there was a leaked video (there have been numerous Pentagon leaked videos recently) that showed a flying object (or a UFO or an Unidentified Aerial Phenomena or a flying saucer) that was flying above the water and then dropped into it, supposedly continuing on while immersed. Check it out here. This is something the Pentagon has since confirmed as being authentic.
The second claim inferred by Congress in the Intelligence Authorization Act For Fiscal Year 2023 is that they want to be able to know which UFOs are of human origin and those that are not. “Temporary non-attributed objects, or those that are positively identified as man-made after analysis, will be passed to appropriate offices and should not be considered under the definition as unidentified aerospace-undersea phenomena,” the addendum reads in part.
It has been nothing short of stunning to get to this point because although the U.S. Government has been even a bit more forthcoming about their studying of potential UFOs, there are still a number of politicians who just can’t quite admit these things are extraterrestrial in nature. The tow-the-line answer has been and still remains that if these UFOs do exist, then they are more than likely advanced vehicles, but they are definitely man-made. The inclusion of this addendum appears to show that the thought behind UFOs is slowly changing.
So, the main question being proposed is, “why now?” Why are these congressmen, all of whom have insight into classified information that the general public does not, starting to change their tune? This very question was discussed by Marik von Rennenkampff in an op-ed in The Hill while talking about the budget. In it, von Rennenkampff said, “It strains credulity to believe that lawmakers would include such extraordinary language in public legislation without compelling evidence. This implies that members of the Senate Intelligence Committee believe (on a unanimous, bipartisan basis) that some UFOs have non-human origins,” von Rennenkampff continued in the piece. “After all, why would Congress establish and task a powerful new office with investigating non-‘man-made’ UFOs if such objects did not exist? Make no mistake: One branch of the American government implying that UFOs have non-human origins is an explosive development.”
Perhaps Congress is aware of something we, the general public, are not, even though there have been plenty of instances that have shown differently. In 2021 alone, and per a DoD report, there were more than 100 UFO sightings that the DoD investigated. Some of these sightings could not be explained with any of our current scientific models, so they asked for more time and more cash to be able to fully study this phenomenon.
Are we alone? Is there someone out there who is trying to introduce themselves? Congress seems to think there might be something going on in the outer realms of space and they are now considering UFOs a possible threat.