Scientists Can Now Turn Air Into Electricity, Here’s What That Means For Clean Energy Initiatives
A team of researchers has discovered that in environments where nutrients are lacking, bacteria use atmospheric hydrogen as an energy source which could be used in devices similar to solar panels.
This article is more than 2 years old

A team of researchers has discovered that in environments where nutrients are lacking, bacteria use atmospheric hydrogen as an energy source. The researchers were able to remove the specific enzyme that transforms the hydrogen into energy. This type of discovery and extraction could mean big things in the quest to switch to clean energy.
Many scientists have issued a final warning that the planet will be doomed if humans do not get their act together. This groundbreaking discovery came just in time as people everywhere are racing against the clock to restore the planet. The need to switch to clean energy and combat climate change is critical, and the time is now.
The world is currently facing extreme weather phenomena practically everywhere. Earthquakes, atmospheric rivers, floods, droughts, and more are occurring in almost every corner of the globe. While some people still deny climate change exists, it’s staring humanity in the face,
Huc, which is the enzyme the team extracted in their study, grows easily and rapidly. It is known to thrive in extreme temperatures, including both hot and cold. The fact that this enzyme is so resilient is especially beneficial in the quest to use it to produce clean energy.
With this discovery, scientists and professionals in the clean energy field can begin working on a device that can be used to turn the enzyme into the air on a scale that relates to the modern world. Researchers could potentially develop some type of device to replace or be an alternative to solar power. The possibilities of what this discovery could turn into are truly monumental.
The team who made this discovery is still in the very early stages of development. As the team continues its research and they understand more about turning this enzyme into a clean energy source, it will create new pathways for the possibility of clean energy.
While the scientists and researchers continue their most recent work, there are things that people can do in the fight against climate change. While sometimes it may feel as if there is no hope, every effort is essential. It’s vital for individuals to make efforts and for humanity to make collective efforts to restore the planet.
Switching to clean energy may be as simple as contacting your local electricity company. Most residents throughout the United States are connected to a universal or centralized power grid. By contacting your power company, you can ask them directly to be switched to clean energy.
If, for some reason, your current electric company does not allow or offer a clean energy source, a quick internet search may turn up promising results. Additionally, the power company may have suggestions, so don’t forget to ask them too.
Another option for switching to clean energy involves an upfront cost, solar panels, which will pay for themselves over time. And in reality, the initial cost may not be as expensive as you think. Solar panels are not as expensive as they once were, and they are accessible to most households who wish to reduce their carbon footprint.