Earth Is Heating Up At A Rapid Rate And The Outcome Is Grim
In order to combat catastrophic warming, everyone on Earth must collectively make changes from policymakers needing to make more stringent sustainability laws to everyday individuals opting for reusable bags instead of plastic ones.

There hasn’t been much good news lately. And, you won’t find any here. Climate scientists from 200 countries have recently penned a letter to the UN. They have warned that catastrophic warming is happening across our globe, and although there are some things humans can do to help, it may be too late. Try not to panic.
According to NPR, the earth is heating up, the amount of carbon dioxide in the air is rising, and extreme weather is displacing folks all around the world. Climate change has been linked to everything from sea-level rise to food insecurity, but here are a few other issues the UN scientists have identified:
- Banks – Banks are relying more and more on government subsidies as climate change continues to affect their industry. The UN scientists predict that in the near future, losses due to climate disasters will be so frequent that banks may struggle to stay afloat.
- Agriculture – Climate change has brought on longer droughts and more intense floods, making it harder for farmers to produce enough food. Even if they are able to grow crops, the hotter temperatures can reduce yields by up to 40%.
- Water Security – UN scientists have warned that societies that have a high level of water security know how to take care of their people and its inhabitants. If it has a low level of water security, many animals, plants, and people will perish.
The scientists have developed a sort of cheat sheet for policymakers. This cheat sheet outlines clearly what needs to be done and the actions folks can take today in order to slow down climate change and thusly catastrophic warming. This will at least give us a chance to rebound and gain more time before the oceans begin rising.
The cheat sheet recommends decreasing the amount of catastrophic warming. This involves reducing carbon dioxide emissions, transitioning to renewable energy sources, and protecting forests around the world.
By examining the past, we also may be able to help our future. In some good news, scientists have found ancient seeds that can give us clues about how our crops can or can’t adjust to catastrophic warming. By studying the past and making connections to our current situation, we may be able to better assess how our crops will react and adjust to new climate conditions.
Scientists have said that taking action now could reduce the effects of climate change in just a few decades. It will also help to cut down on rising sea levels that are causing extreme weather events such as floods, hurricanes, and droughts.
It is up to all of us to do our part in stopping climate change. We have the power to make a difference and to slow down catastrophic warming. This is a global effort that needs everyone’s participation in order for us to create positive, lasting changes for our planet.
Every step we take towards mitigating climate change will help prevent further catastrophic consequences in the future. Together, we can work towards putting an end to catastrophic warming. Our future may start to look a little brighter.
Climate change scientists do say that there are many ways we can help slow down catastrophic warming before it really is too late. People can opt for an electric vehicle rather than a gas one and use reusable containers instead of plastic ones when shopping for groceries. Every little bit really does help.