Cat & Jack Return Policy: What To Know Before Shopping At Target

The Cat & Jack return policy at Target means customers can return worn clothes and even get money back up to a year after purchase.

By Tiffany Velasquez | Updated

This article is more than 2 years old

cat and jack return policy cat & jack return policy

The Cat & Jack return policy is one of the very best available. Parents with kids who grow two inches while sleeping need not worry about growing out of clothing or shoes too fast with this beloved Target brand. There are several ways and options when it comes to returning something from the Cat & Jack brand.


The Cat & Jack return policy falls under the Target store brand return category. According to the Target website, this return policy allows customers who are not satisfied with a purchase for any reason to return items up to one year after purchase, with a receipt. Within this return policy, there are exceptions and flexibility.

Speaking directly from my personal experiences, my daughter had a sparkly pair of slip-on Cat & Jack shoes that she had to have. We tried them on in-store, and they seemed to fit just fine. They definitely passed the test, where the child runs down the aisle at full speed to ensure they work and fit properly. The shoes practically stayed on her feet for the next three weeks until one morning, she said, “mom. I think my shoes are too small.”

I was surprised to hear her say they were too small because it seemed as though we had just purchased the shoes. Almost as soon as she mentioned they were too small, I remembered a TikTok video that mentioned something about the Cat & Jack return policy. I couldn’t remember exactly, but in the video, a mom mentioned returning clothes from the brand that had holes in the knees and were well-worn.

Since the shoes were still fairly new, I thought I would try to return them. I also had a few other clothing items from the brand, both new and used, that I decided to return. My daughter and I gathered the items, loaded up in the car, and headed to Target to put their Cat & Jack and return policy to the test.

Once we got to Target, I told the customer service employee about the shoes and that I wished to return some additional items as well. I didn’t have a receipt for my transaction, and I actually didn’t have the card that the items were purchased with.

To my surprise, the employees said it wasn’t a problem and that they would just need to use my identification card and issue the return via store credit, which I was totally fine with.

The return I made under the Cat & Jack return policy left me with close to $75 in store credit. This is a game changer for parents everywhere, especially those with tiny babies who grow at a rapid rate and with kids who play hard and go through clothes at lightning speed. Keep reading for answers to all your Cat & Jack questions.


Yes, customers can return used clothes to Target. The rule of thumb to keep in mind is that the store only accepts used clothes from its store brands, like Cat & Jack, for up to a year from the purchase date. This Cat & Jack return policy, as well as all other Target brands having the ability to be returned, even when used, is the stores’ way of ensuring that customers are satisfied with their purchases.

With a policy like this, parents with kids who size up throughout the year can return a used Cat & Jack item and turn around and buy something in their child’s current size. This can essentially be repeated, saving parents a huge chunk of money. Everyone knows children are not cheap, so saving money is always a huge bonus for parents.


When returning an item to any store, it is always best to have the receipt, but sometimes this isn’t always possible. Luckily Target has a few options for those who wish to return something without the original receipt. Before issuing a return, the store has a few steps to take to verify a purchase, like digital bar codes, email addresses, and more.

If, for some reason, Target is unable to verify your purchase, customers can return up to $150 worth of merchandise per calendar year. Once this limit is reached, customers will have to wait until the following year to return any items without a receipt or other proof of purchase.


Yes, Target does accept used Cat & Jack and clothing returns up to one year old. Beyond one year, the store does not accept any returns for Cat & Jack clothing.

When it comes to the Cat & Jack return policy, remember that there is a similar return policy for all of the Target store brands. Other Target store brands include, but are not limited to, Future Collective, Stars Above, Goodfellow & Co, More Than Magic, A New Day, and many others. All of the brands mentioned above, plus others not listed, can be returned or exchanged in used condition.

Sometimes stores make it difficult for customers to return or exchange items. In some cases, stores even have a strict no-return policy. These flexible and extended return policies, which include the Cat & Jack return policy, are customer satisfaction at its finest.

Unexpected things happen, pants get a rip, or after wearing an item a few times, people realize the fit is not what they hoped for. That is definitely not the case for Target or its beloved store brands. The parents and people who already know about the flexible Cat & Jack return policy, and Target store brand return policy, go out of their way to exclusively shop these brands.

Target is changing the game when it comes to the Cat & Jack return policy. Wearing an item a few times is the only real way to know if something lives up to a person’s expectations. Allowing customers to keep something for up to a year before returning is a huge bonus for customers.