Boy Finds Strange Tracks Before Unearthing A Lost Piece Of History
Kaspar’s morning hike took an unexpected turn when he veered off the trail at Estonia Swamp. What he discovered was no ordinary find, prompting him to gather a team to unearth its mysteries. Together, they revealed a lost piece of history buried for decades.
Get ready as we embark on a journey of discovery in the depths of the Estonia Swamp. Read on through this story to learn more.
Kaspar Took The Road Less Traveled

On a typical morning at the Estonian Swamp, Kasper stood at a crossroads. One path beckoned with familiarity, the other concealed a sense of mystery. Intrigued by the allure of the unknown, he chose the less-traveled, overgrown path, setting in motion a series of events that would lead to an extraordinary discovery.
Barren Land Around The Lake

As Kasper ventured deeper along the chosen path, he came across a hidden gem: Lake Kurtna Matasjarv. Though secluded and encompassing an impressive 53,820 square feet, the remote location posed a challenge. With no signs of human activity around, the idea of accessing the lake with a boat seemed impractical.
Strange Markings On The Ground

As Kasper continued his exploration around Lake Kurtna Matasjarv, his curiosity grew. The enigmatic markings on the ground intrigued him, yet their obscured nature added an extra layer of mystery. He couldn’t discern their purpose at first glance, realizing that unraveling this puzzle would require time and effort. Determined, he resolved to delve deeper into the mystery and unlock the secrets hidden within the markings.
Not Just Unusual Tracks

Despite having walked this path numerous times, Kasper was surprised that he had never noticed the strange markings before. He wondered how something so unusual could have gone unnoticed for so long.
And just when he thought he had seen everything, he spotted something else that left him even more puzzled.
Rope On The Ground

Kasper couldn’t believe his eyes, next to the strange markings, there was a rope that looked like an anchor for a boat. The lake was not a popular spot for boating, as it was quite remote, hard to access and difficult to navigate.
It would have been a big effort to bring a boat this deep into the swamp, making it even more mysterious why the anchor and markings were there.
Gave The Rope A Pull

Kasper’s curiosity got the best of him and he decided to investigate. He dug around the mud and managed to pull the rope out of the swampy earth.
However, when he tried to pull the object out, he realized that he was not strong enough to do it alone. He needed help to uncover whatever was stuck in the ground.
Kasper Got His Parents Involved

Dropping the muddy rope, Kasper turned around and headed back towards his home. Once he got there, he quickly explained what he had found to his parents. Needless to say, they were more than a little confused.
Still, they dropped what they were doing and followed their son into the swamp.
They Had No Idea What The Object Was Under The Surface

Kasper had no idea what he found. The rope looked like it had once anchored a boat. But where was the boat? Was it buried under the ground, and that’s why he couldn’t get the rope completely out from the muddy earth?
The young boy had no clue he was about to uncover a lost piece of history — a World War II tank that fought on both sides.
His Parents Had No Answers

As it turned out, Kasper’s parents were at a complete loss, too. They had no idea what to make of the strange tracks on the ground or what the rope could be attached to. It was a mystery.
And the local mystery Kasper stumbled upon soon had the entire town interested.
More And More People Showed Up

Not long after Kasper brought his parents to Lake Kurtna Matasjarv, more townspeople showed up. They were curious what the young boy found on the off-beaten path of the Estonian Swamp.
They were going to need some serious muscle to get that muddy rope to budge out of the ground.
No One Knew What The Marks Were

The men of the town gathered around the swamp, inspecting the strange marks in the ground that Kasper had spotted earlier that day. They really had no clue what could have made them.
And the fact that they were covered with what looked like years of growth had them scratching their heads.
The Townspeople Tried The Rope, Too

Soon, the men spotted the rope Kasper had talked about. Some of the locals got a good grip and began to pull, thinking they could make it budge a bit more than the young boy.
While the rope came off the muddy ground easily enough, it seemed as though no amount of strength was going to make it budge.
They Needed Equipment

About a dozen strong men and women tried to pull the rope, thinking if they had enough power the object would make itself known. Alas, they were not strong enough.
They were going to need some serious equipment if they were going to extract whatever was beneath the surface of the lake.
Authorities Were Called

Once the townspeople realized there was no way they were going to unearth this mystery object by pulling on the rope, they decided it was time to call the authorities. They were sure to bring in some major manpower and equipment.
Then they would be able to pull the object from the water.
A Big Machine Was Sent To Help

It did not take long for the people standing around Lake Kurtna Matasjarv to hear something coming through the forest. The authorities had definitely sent some serious machinery to help out.
A massive bulldozer came through the trees, clearly on its way to pull the mystery object from the water.
The Bulldozer Went To Work

Tying the muddy rope to the bulldozer, the townspeople stood around and waited to see what would happen. Well, some waited while others thought they could be of use to the massive machine, grabbing some of the rope and hauling alongside the bulldozer.
Amazingly, between the huge bulldozer and the people, the object did not budge. Whatever was under the surface of Lake Kurtna Matasjarv was clearly massive. Sadly, they had no idea how to extract something that large and heavy.
It Was Time To Bring In More Vehicles

By this time, the townspeople had realized there was more than one rope on the muddy swamp floor. And while attaching them all to the bulldozer did little to nothing, they soon came up with a plan.
People rushed back into town, bringing their own vehicles to Lake Kurtna Matasjarv. Tying ropes to each of the vehicles, including the bulldozer, the townspeople were all going to pull at the same time. The hope was that the sheer number of vehicles and their horsepower was going to be enough to bring the mystery object to the surface. And that was not all they did.
Even Kasper Helped Out

Connecting steel cables to the ropes, manpower, and a whole lot of horsepower, it took the townspeople a solid eight hours to make any progress with the mystery object. Even Kasper lent a tiny hand where he could!
Like everyone, he wanted to see what was beneath the water of the lake. He’d been the one to discover it, after all!
Finally, It Budged

Eight hours and a lot of work later, the townspeople finally felt something under the surface of the water budge. After that, all it took was a few tough pulls from everyone working on the extraction to see something breach the lake.
They could not believe they’d finally pulled the mystery object up!
The Bulldozer Gave One Last Pull

The work was not over yet. Only a small portion of the object was showing. So, people went down to the muddy part of the lake and began to dig.
After a little while, the bulldozer gave one last tug, and the mystery object finally popped out of the water.
An Open Hatch Was Revealed

There was a collective gasp, and the object breached the surface. A lot of people knew what it was right away, while others were still confused. Either way, they ran to grab a hose to wash the hardened mud off the object.
After a few minutes, the clean object revealed an open hatch.
There Was A White Symbol On The Side

The people were exhausted, but they’d come too far to give up now. Washing away more and more of the mud, they’d finally revealed an all-to-familiar white symbol, something from World War II. They had to be sure of what they saw, though.
And, with one last dig and haul, they finally managed to get the massive metal object to the surface.
It Was A World War II Tank

Fighting against the mud and people pulling it from the lake, everyone fell silent when they realized what was standing before them — a World War II tank. They had just discovered a piece of history buried deep beneath the surface of Lake Kurtna Matasjarv in the Estonian Swamp.
It was beyond amazing.
No One Knew How It Wound Up In The Lake

After the initial shock of unearthing a tank wore off, everyone had one question on their mind: how did a World War II tank wind up buried in Lake Kurtna Matasjarv?
The lake it was in was located in the middle of nowhere. But the tank wasn’t the only thing the people found.
Kasper Spotted Ammunition

Beyond excited, Kasper ran straight up to the tank to peer inside. Something inside the tank, floating in the water, caught his eye, something shiny. Looking at his mom, he asked, “Mom? Are those big bullets?”
It did not take long for Kasper to feel arms grabbing him and pulling him off and away from the tank.
They Heard Sirens

Inside the tank, there was ammunition rolling around! There was a chance they could still be dangerous, and Kasper’s mom was taking zero chances when it came to her young son.
Apparently, Kasper’s mom wasn’t the only one who found the tank dangerous. Not long after it was revealed, sirens began to wail, and a camouflaged truck rolled to a stop.
It Took Two Weeks To Extract The Tank From The Lake

A man surveying the tank walked up to Kasper, saying, “You found it? I’m impressed. Well done. We need you to step back while we make sure it’s safe.”
It took two weeks for experts to check the tank and fully extract it from the lake. When they did, they began doing research.
It Was A Soviet-Built T34/76A

It turns out it was a Soviet-built T34/76A, and, amazingly, it was in pristine condition for being underwater for several decades. After looking at the white numbers and symbols further, experts believe the tank was captured by Germans and repainted with their own symbols.
In the end, the Germans probably dumped the tank in the lake so it couldn’t be recaptured.
The Tank Was Pristine

According to experts, the tank was in such pristine condition due to the low oxygen levels in the swampy terrain, preserving the metal, so it didn’t fully deteriorate.
The next question they had was if the tank was actually operational after all of those years of being under the water.
There Were 116 Pieces Of Ammunition

Curators from the nearby Gorodenko museum were amazed by the tank, especially its amazing condition. Restoring the tank, they found that the old diesel engine still worked, turning the tank on.
Not only that, but they also found 116 pieces of ammunition. Still, nothing answered the single question on their minds: what was the tank doing in that secluded area.
A Soviet Tank Captured By German Troops

As it turns out, some battles happened on the Eastern Estonia Narva front, with numerous soldiers and tanks making their way through the swampy marshlands where Lake Kurtna Matasjarv is located.
And, in the summer of 1944, it was in that location that the German forces captured the Soviet “Trophy Tank.”
The Tank Fought On Both Sides Of The War

The tank Kasper found is beyond rare, as it actually fought on both the German and Soviet sides during World War II. It was remarkable!
The curators discovered that it was only a short six weeks after the German troops initially captured the tank and discarded it in the lake.
The German Troops Didn’t Want Them Getting The Tank Back

After a lot of research, the curators learned that the German troops began to retreat from the Narva front on September 19, 1944.
Not wanting their enemies to get their hands on weapons, they decided the best course of action was to dump the truck where no one could get their hands on it — the lake.
The Tank Is Now Displayed In A Museum

The tank sat in its watery grave with its ammunition for decades. That is until a curious little boy took a path less traveled in the swampy marshlands of the Estonian Swamp.
Now, the T-34 World War II tank is proudly displayed in a war museum in the Gorodenko village.