The Best Collectible Star Trek Ships You Can Buy Online
If you're a serious fan of Star Trek, then you're probably obsessed with the ships. You want at least one sitting somewhere on your desk and that means buying your own Star Trek ship. Star Trek toys and collectibles have never been easy to find for sale, but thanks to the internet there are now at least some options.
This article is more than 2 years old

If you’re a serious fan of Star Trek, then you’re probably obsessed with the ships. You want at least one sitting somewhere on your desk and that means buying your own Star Trek ship. Star Trek toys and collectibles have never been easy to find for sale, but thanks to the internet there are now at least some options. Some of them are amazing and faithful recreations of the ships you love, some of them even have lights and sounds, and some of them flat out suck.
Given how much buying a great collectible Star Trek starship model can cost online, you’ll need to know which is the best way to go before you punch in your credit card. We’re here to help.
These are the best options for anyone looking to buy the best collectible Star Trek starship models.
The Best Collectible Star Trek Ships Available To Buy: Marshall Models

There is no question that the best collectible Star Trek starship models money can buy are made by Marshall Models. Every Star Trek ship they produce is not only an utterly faithful and nearly perfect recreation of the starships you saw on screen, they’re custom ordered and hand-crafted with exactly what you want in mind.
They’ll deliver the Star Trek starship you want in exactly the size you want, with the kinds of lighting you want, and even the type of power supply and pedestal you want it sitting on. Every single Star Trek ship model produced by Marshall Models is incredible.

The list of Star Trek starships currently available for purchase from Marshall Models currently includes…
- Deep Space Nine
- U.S.S. Defiant
- U.S.S. Rio Grande
- U.S.S. Enterprise Refit
- U.S.S. Reliant
- U.S.S. Enterprise (TOS)
- U.S.S. Voyager
- Enterprise NX-01
If you want something not already on the list, there’s a good chance they can make it for you custom, if you’re willing to pay for it. Send them an email and ask.
Getting the best collectible Star Trek ship in the world will cost you. Marshall Models run in the thousands of dollars. This small and incredible model of the USS Reliant I purchased from them cost around $2000…

My Miranda class was worth every penny. Wow your friends, wow yourself. Save up your pennies and buy a Marshall Model online.
Best Mid-Price Star Trek Ships: Diamond Select

Diamond Select models are highly-detailed plastic models which straddle the line between being models and toys. Each has fully functioning lights and usually sounds. They strive for as much detail as possible given their materials, and they succeed wonderfully.
Their models are also pretty big. Most Diamond Select Star Trek starships are usually close to a foot long. They come with a pedestal to display the ship on, though it should be noted that on some of their older models the pedestal can be a bit weak.
Unfortunately, Diamond Select Star Trek starship models can often be hard to find. The company officially sells a few on Amazon, but a lot of the time to find what you really want you’ll end up in the used market on Ebay. As such, the price for your ship could vary wildly. Usually, however, they’ll run you somewhere between $100 – $300.

Here are a few of the Star Trek starships I was able to find officially on sale directly from Diamond Select…
- TOS Enterprise
- TOS Romulan Bird Of Prey
- Standard Enterprise D
- “All Good Things” Enterprise D
- Enterprise E
- Enterprise A
- Enterprise NX-01
- Klingon Bird Of Prey
I personally own four Diamond Select collectible Starships: A Wrath of Khan edition Enterprise, the Klingon Bird of Prey, Deep Space Nine, and an Enterprise B. Outside of Marshall Models, which cost a lot more, these are the best ships I own. If you can find them and if you don’t want to pay for a Marshall Model, then go with Diamond Select.
Browse Diamond Select Star Trek Collectible Ships
Best Star Trek Starships On A Budget: Eaglemoss

What Eaglemoss may sometimes lack in quality, they make up for in quantity. On Eaglemoss’s website you’ll find a mass produced version of nearly every Star Trek starship ever seen or imagined. They have the license for the newest Star Trek productions too. If you want La Sirena from Star Trek: Picard or Discovery from Star Trek: Discovery, they’re pretty much the only people who will have it.
Their Star Trek line goes incredibly deep. Want the Equinox, a one-off ship from Star Trek: Voyager? They’ve got it. Want the Fesarius from the TOS episode “The Corbomite Maneuver”? The Delta Flyer from Star Trek: Voyager? They’ve got those too. If there’s any ship you’ve ever seen in any incarnation of Star Trek, they’ve got it.
Best of all, they’re totally affordable. Many of their ships cost less than $30. They do offer some higher end lines in bigger sizes and different materials, but even those are never more than a couple hundred.

If there’s a problem with Eaglemoss is the inconsistency of their builds. Some of their starship models break easily and are poorly constructed. Many of them are of excellent quality too, but there’s really no way to know which you’re going to get before you get it. If you’re willing to spend their new line of Die Cast ships are usually the least breakable and most durable.
Another drawback to Eaglemoss is that very few of their ships come with lighting or sound, or any of the little touches that make ships like the ones available from Diamond Select or Marshall Models so special. Still, it’s hard to complain about that given the price.
Shop Affordable Eaglemoss Starships
The Best Assemble Your Own Star Trek Model: Eaglemoss’s Build The NCC-1701-D

Eaglemoss has also recently pioneered the ability of fans to build their own high-end, huge-sized models of the most popular Star Trek starships. Currently if you’re willing to shell out a small monthly fee, you can spend the next two-years building a giant sized, fully lit, die-cast metal, totally accurate model of the U.S.S Enterprise D.
Each month they send you a few more components to assemble, and the instructions are well laid out and the model incredibly easy to produce. The model itself is fantastically sturdy and detailed, with pre-painted metal plates assembled on a huge, easily assembled, die-cast metal frame.

It’s as if Eaglemoss has created a way to let fans create their own Marshall Models, and building the ship becomes an adventure of its own.
Sign Up For The Enterprise D Buildup