The Best Day To Shop At A Busy Aldi Store
The best day to shop at Aldi is a Wednesday, and employees also shared that is also the best day to pick up a new ad circular on your way in because sales are updated every Wednesday, too.
This article is more than 2 years old

Everyone has a favorite spot for grocery shopping but Aldi is drawing tons of new converts over to its one-of-a-kind shopping experience. According to Business Insider, the small store with big savings is one of the fastest-growing grocers in the United States. If you haven’t been to an Aldi yet, you owe yourself a visit—but make sure you go on the best day to shop there.
Why is there a best day to shop at Aldi? One day of the week tends to draw the lightest crowds and it also coincides with Aldi restocking its fan-favorite “Aisle of Shame” with new, limited-edition Aldi Finds. Wednesdays are when these things happen, making it the best day to save both time and money at the affordable grocery store.
The recommendation to shop on Wednesdays comes directly from the mouths of Aldi employees. Several unnamed employees shared their insider secrets and shopping hacks with Cooking Light in 2019 and shopping on Wednesday held the #2 spot on their list. It came only after the suggestion to grab a circular on your way in, as sales are updated every Wednesday, too.
Not only will you have the first choice of the limited new Aldi Finds on Wednesday, but you’ll also be able to shop faster. Aldi already makes their shopping experience faster in part by having much less floor space than your average Kroger, Walmart, or Safeway. Think of a size similar to your neighborhood Trader Joe’s or Dollar General.
While Wednesday morning is generally the best time to shop at Aldi, your local store’s least-busy timeframe may be different. Check Google Maps to see when your Aldi is busiest and plan accordingly. There are 2,200 Aldi stores across 38 states and that number is expected to increase.
Aldi fans appreciate the store’s no-frills approach to stocking the fridge. Customers are expected to bag their own groceries and are encouraged to bring reusable bags, although the store does sell inexpensive paper or plastic bags if you forget to bring your own. You must “rent” a shopping cart for a quarter—a rather ingenious way to encourage shoppers to return their own carts.
The biggest draw to Aldi is its award-winning, private-label brand selection that includes organic and gluten-free items. Ninety percent of the products inside your local Aldi fall under one of its private labels which are priced up to 50% lower than comparable national brands. Aldi offers a “Twice as Nice Guarantee” on their products and will replace the product and refund your money if you return the unused product in its packaging along with your receipt.
Aldi employees say that the second-best day to shop at Aldi is Sunday because that’s when their “Hot Deals” are restocked. These products are discounted items designated with a red and yellow sticker. You’ll get the best selection of Hot Deals on Sunday, but some should still remain on Monday.
Most Aldi locations are open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. every day, except for Tuesday and Thursday, when the store opens at 8:30 a.m. This earlier opening time is designated for senior citizens, expectant mothers, and people with health conditions who would benefit from a less-crowded shopping experience. The grocery chain has also partnered with Instacart to provide convenient home delivery or curbside pickup services—a great idea any day of the week.