Artificial Intelligence Being Banned In Schools
The AI Chatbot called ChatGPT has been banned from New York City public schools to prevent students from using the chatbot to do their assignments.
This article is more than 2 years old

New York schools have banned a specific AI chatbot, ChatGPT, from schools. One of the things this generation has that many other generations before them didn’t is technology. Not just technology but technology at their fingertips; this can make everything a lot quicker and more accessible. The internet and services like Grammarly, chatGPT and plagiarism websites make school and college work easier and more automated.
The AI chatbot, ChatGPT, which can help construct well-thought-out text for different assignments and projects, has been banned by the New York City Department of Education this week. The website can be blocked across all department networks and devices within the New York schools to ensure students cannot access it while in a learning environment.
This artificial intelligence website can come under fire from the Department of Education has it stops students from learning. Since it can construct a whole assignment on a specific subject, the student has not learned anything. It blocks critical thinking, problem-solving skills, comprehension, and creative writing. All these attributes are essential for academic success as well as success in the real working world.
The New York City Department of Education is the biggest school system in the country, so banning artificial intelligence here could have a ripple effect across all other states. Educators are now aware of what tools students could use to manipulate their grades and avoid learning critical skills. They fear that artificial intelligence chatBots like ChatGPT could do the work for students.
This fear is not one without cause, as ChatGPT can research an answer to a question and construct a decent response with excellent grammar. Hopefully, teachers could differentiate the bot from their students.
But with everything, if an adult bans something, children will always find a way to get around such discipline. One way students may get around this ban is with a new VPN. This VPN will allow students to work around the block to use the artificial intelligence chatBot and other banned websites, such as social media and gambling platforms. Also, students still have the option to use these platforms at home on their personal computers.
Everyone knows the old saying; telling someone that something is off-limits makes them want it even more, and that goes double for a rebellious teenager.
While banning these platforms is something that should be done, so students get the full benefit of educational services, if they can access it at home, it kind of seems pointless. Also, this very published ban will actually open up software like this to a range of children who didn’t know about this little trick, which can be detrimental.
At the end of the day, we are in a technology-dependent age. While there are downsides to publicizing banning these artificial intelligence websites, they are necessary steps that educational institutions have to take to ensure a level playing field for all students. Many other websites and platforms like ChatGPT will be up next to receive a ban, and hopefully, parents will follow suit too.