Why An Area 51 Photographer Got Raided By The FBI
Joerg Arnu, an Area 51 photographer and blogger, recently has his home raided by the FBI but still has no idea why.
This article is more than 2 years old

It’s no secret that somewhere around the Nevada/Arizona border in the middle of the desert, there is a secret military base that houses and protects some of the United States Government’s most critical secrets. It is so heavily guarded for upwards of 30 miles in any direction that it is impossible to get close enough to get a glimpse of the compound. Area 51’s security protocols are some of the most stringent in the world and recently a photographer who has taken pictures of the surrounding landscape had his home raided by the Federal Bureau of Investigations and now he is searching for answers as to why.
Joerg Arnu has been running a website called Area 51 for the past twenty years as an informational blogging site about the base that no one has ever seen. His site gives tips on what you can and can’t do while visiting the closest areas to the base. I can speak from my own experience that about 20 years ago my family and I took in a common Las Vegas tourist attraction which was a small plane flight over and through the Grand Canyon.
As we were flying back from the Grand Canyon tour the pilot informed us that somewhere on the other side of the hilly and rocky terrain was Area 51. Of course, our response was, “ let’s fly over that.” The pilot laughed and informed us of the reality that if our plane even slightly veered in that direction, we would have multiple F-16 fighter jets flanking us in a matter of seconds. Then they would advise us to correct our current course immediately or they would be forced to shoot our plane down.
Arnu, who is an Area 51 enthusiast said that he has been covering the military installation for the better part of the last quarter century. Not once has he received any communication from the United States government about any potential wrongdoing or harm his website might have on the government’s secrets and projects that are housed there. According to Fox News, “His website even tells readers where they can and cannot go around the base, his attempt to “help” the government and keep the “loonies” away. “
Everything was fine for Arnu until a day back in November when his home in Rachel, Nevada was raided by more than a dozen armed tactical FBI agents. They broke down three of his doors and a country gate and ransacked his home causing $25,000 in damage and they gave him no explanation as to why they were there or what they were looking for. He immediately filed a claim to the FBI for damages caused which was swiftly declined by the Bureau but no reasoning has been provided to Mr. Arnu as to what transpired that resulted in him and his girlfriend being attacked and dragged out of their respective houses.
Arnu has pleaded with the United States Justice Department to get even a vague explanation of what happened that day. He has not been charged with any crime yet and he says he is having a hard time understanding why he was targeted by them. Arnu even made the comment that when the whole break into Area 51 and exposing the government’s biggest secrets was gaining traction, he was vocally against any such protest occurring.
Arnu says he still tries to get in contact with someone at the FBI so he can understand what he may have done that jeopardized Area 51’s security but they are not returning any of his calls. But that is not so surprising because up until about 25 years ago the government would publicly assert that there was no such thing as Area 51. We will have to wait and see if the FBI publicly addresses this home raid or will they stick it next to the aliens and the John F. Kennedy files where they will never be seen or heard from again.