United Airline Planes Getting Massive Upgrade
This article is more than 2 years old

United Airlines is set to purchase 100 Boeings jets, specifically the 787 Dreamliners. The airline could potentially place another order. This new order of aircrafts is set to replace Boeing 767s and 787s, which are decades old and far less fuel-efficient.
The new aircraft to replace the old Boeing jets will be delivered sometime between 2024 and 2032. This massive order from United Airlines is the most significant order of its kind to a United States carrier. As the airline is finally seeing a profit since the pandemic and adding more flights to its itinerary, this is the perfect time to upgrade.
United Airlines is currently undergoing a massive shift, not just with the upgrade of its fleet aircrafts, including brand new Boeing jets. The airline is also in the process of adding 2,500 new pilots to its employee list. The airline is currently experiencing significant growth.
The airline has been trying to upgrade and add to its fleet of Boeing jets for some time now. United Airlines, like many other airlines, have found it a difficult and time-consuming process to add to aircrafts to its lineup. This is due in part to supply chain issues that were caused by the devastating global pandemic.
United Airlines, Boeing jets, and so many other companies were at a standstill when it came to production, manufacturing, and other aspects due to shortages and supply chain issues. Things with production and manufacturing seem to finally be returning to normal and beginning to run as a smooth operation. This is exciting as consumers can expect to see many major companies upgrade as the world returns to normal.
At the end of 2021, there were a total of 63 Boeing Dreamliners in the United Airlines fleet of aircrafts. By 2023, the company plans to have an additional seven Boeing jets in the line-up, totaling 70. This is major progress compared to the pandemic years.
It is no surprise that United Airlines decided to place an order of new Boeing jets to add to its lineup. Boeing is the oldest manufacturer of aircrafts in the world. The company was founded in 1916 and began manufacturing the Boeing Model 1, which was a single-engine aircraft.
During World War II, Boeing manufactured nearly 100,000 aircrafts. The original planes are a far comparison to the Boeing jets you would find yourself traveling on today during your United Airlines flight. The company is well known for being dependable and producing quality aircrafts.
United Airlines plans to pay for its new fleet of Boeing jets with its own cash flow. Additionally, the company may explore financing options where capital marketing is optimal. The new fleet of aircrafts will push the company’s expenditure up by nearly $2 billion.
In addition to the wide-body Boeing jets, United Airlines has placed an order for a more narrow-body aircraft. The airline company will also be purchasing a total of 56 Boeing 737 Max places. The company has also left open the option to purchase 44 more.