Retailers Still Selling Over 30 Dangerous Recalled Toys This Holiday
According to a recent safety report by the Public Interest Group, over 30 recalled toys are still being sold online that pose hazards such as choking and poisoning.
This article is more than 2 years old
Recalled toys are a parent’s worst nightmare. Despite the fact that selling recalled toys is illegal, several online retailers are still selling recalled toys and products. As parents and loved ones, it is essential to pay attention and proceed with caution as we make purchases for children this holiday season.
The 37th annual safety report by the Public Interest Research Group was released, and the results are alarming. Over 30 recalled toys were still available or purchased on online selling sites like Facebook marketplace, eBay and others. The report proves that it is up to parents and caregivers to do their own research in regard to recalled toys to ensure the safety of the children in their care.
Some of the recalled toys still being sold online this holiday season are geared to infants, all the way to older children. Some of the toys include stuffed animals, riding toys, bath toys, and more. The risks involved include, but are not limited to, potential poisoning, choking hazards, and more.
As parents and caregivers, there are things we can do and look for to be diligent when purchasing toys for our little ones. Most of the retailers and online sellers are not putting any kind of warning or caution with the recalled toys that they are selling, thus leaving it up to consumers to be on the lookout themselves. Some of the things to look out for when purchasing this holiday season include keeping an eye out for small, disc-shaped batteries, small removable parts, and considering the material from which the toy is made.

These are just a few things to be on the lookout for to avoid purchasing recalled toys. Common sense should always be exercised, and careful consideration should be made. Online retailers are proving to be untrustworthy in removing the recalled toys.
Additionally, some recalled toys are proving to be counterfeit and being sold from websites that are lesser known. In these cases, retailers are looking to make a quick profit from a once-popular toy and completely disregarding any concerns for safety. This is another case where common sense should come into play regarding not purchasing from a known website.
Counterfeit toys that resemble recalled toys are often made with high levels of toxins, further adding to the risk of the toy. In these cases, safety standards are not met in any regard. High levels of toxins can often be smelt as a strong odor but not in all cases, making the toy even more dangerous.
As you continue shopping this holiday season, take a moment to consider the risks involved with the toy you are thinking of purchasing. Take your due diligence a step further and look up if the toy has been recalled or not. Some items to be extra cautious of and avoid purchasing include water beads of any kind, Blue’s Clues Foot to Floor Ride-on Toys from Huffy Corp, the 11-inch plush toys from Pixar’s Toy Story, Kidoozie play tents by Epoch Everlasting Play, and others.