Target Now Selling The Most Popular Door-To-Door Sales Item
Target is adding Tupperware as one of its brands in its stores' home sections.
This article is more than 2 years old

The long-time and well-loved brand, Tupperware, will now be available at Target. With an outdated door-to-door sales tactic being put to bed, it is about time the brand is refreshed. This marks a major milestone for the brand.
Consumers can already order the beloved Tupperware from Target online and have it delivered to their homes as early as this October 7th. While some have been on the hunt for Tupperware products for years, and even questioned if the company was still in existence, they are sure to be pleasantly surprised as they browse the isles at Target and stumble upon the long-loved brand.
The Target and Tupperware partnership comes just in time as the latter company has been working on rebranding. The past sales tactic of door-to-door sales and the beloved Tupperware parties worked to establish the long-time brand. Sometimes, you just have to see things to believe them and the past sales strategy worked to do just that.
This expansion and partnership with retailers, like Target, will without a doubt, allow the company to reach a group of consumers that they may not have been able to reach through the direct sales strategy of the past. With the new approach, comes new customers. This can only benefit the company as it expands its customer base.
Before this Target partnership, Tupperware was founded in 1946, making the company close to a century old. In the very same year, the company was founded, chemist, Earl Tupper, created the special plastic that the company’s products are made from. The plastic is known for being non-breakable and was definitely ahead of the times.
The containers made by Tupperware, which will now be found at Target, were inspired by the airtight seal of a paint can. People couldn’t wrap their heads around the concept of the product, which is why the demonstration and door-to-door sales approach was adopted. The company is also known for providing an opportunity to woman in the 1950s, allowing them to become financially independent by hosting Tupperware parties and selling products.
Tupperware lovers and all consumers will be able to purchase Tupperware products from Target, both in stores and online sooner rather than later. You can expect to find something for every budget, with products from as low as $7.99 all the way to $79.99, set to be released. The collection that is set to be released is a brand new collection from Tupperware.
Throughout the years, the company built a solid reputation for its company and the products it produces. While lots of younger generation consumers may have never hosted a Tupperware party themselves, they may have experienced the famous parties secondhand by running around the house as their mom or even their grandma hosted her friends and sold Tupperware.
With a quality product that has withstood the test of time, Tupperware is sure to be around for future generations to love and use. Additionally, with a strong Target culture, they were smart to select this beloved retailer to elevate their products. This is sure to be a winning bet all around.