Subway Worker Shot Dead Over Mayo Dispute
Following a string of mass shootings in the United States, a recent Subway shooting left one worker fatally injured.
This article is more than 2 years old

Gun violence in the United States has reached harrowed levels. The tragedies in Buffalo, New York and in Uvalde, Texas are soberingly indicative of that. Unfortunately, a series of gun-related incidents and deaths have continued to occur in the wake of those devastating events. The latest of these took place at a Subway restaurant in Atlanta, Georgia where one worker was shot dead by a customer. The Subway shooting reportedly transpired following a dispute over the amount of mayonnaise that was put on a customer’s sandwich.
The store manager, Willie Glenn, of the location where the Subway shooting took place recounted to authorities what had occurred. He said at around 6:30 PM on the evening of June 26, 2022, a customer reportedly walked back into the store visibly upset with how his sandwich was made. His main complaint was that there was too much mayonnaise on it. Glenn then detailed that shortly after “all hell broke loose.” Glenn said that he attempted to subdue the perpetrator by firing back. However, the shots that he fired failed to hit the target. Immediately following the incident the customer turned murderer fled the scene. He remains at large and the Atlanta Police department is actively searching for him.
There were two female victims involved in the Subway shooting. One of whom died as a result of her injuries. The condition of the female worker that survived is unknown at this time. Glenn disclosed that one of the victims’ children was inside the store when the shooting occurred and witnessed that entire incident play out. It is not clear if it was the child of the deceased or the injured female. Speaking about both women, Glenn said that they “were model employees” and that both had just started working for him a few weeks prior. The identities of both female victims involved in the Subway shooting have not been released as of yet. Authorities discussed that their names would be released following a confirmation that both of their families had been notified.
More unfortunate than the Subway shooting occurring at all, is the fact that this has not been the only shooting to transpire at a fast-food restaurant in recent months. In New York City a young Burger King worker was fatally shot in the chest for not handing over cash quick enough during a robbery attempt. A Wendy’s worker was shot in the head over a dispute related to barbecue sauce. Multiple incidents have reportedly occurred at McDonald’s, one of which involved a 4-year-old child shooting at a law enforcement officer. The other one escalated to shots fired after a customer became upset over French fries. These shootings are not only tragic but they are deeply concerning on so many levels. These incidents speak to a problematic undercurrent that is plaguing the country, an undercurrent where tensions run so high that an inconsequential dispute can evoke brutal and oftentimes fatal violence. It is unfortunate that the world has evolved to one where violence can erupt with such little motivation.