An Abandoned Nuclear Power Plant Taken Over By Ants Left Scientists Stunned

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When structures become abandoned, nature tends to reclaim what once was, to the point that over time it can disappear entirely. This is no different when it comes to nuclear power plants, which can be swallowed by the surrounding landscape and become home to the wildlife in the area. This is precisely what happened to a nuclear power plant in Poland. However, the creatures that took up residence there might surprise people.

Take a look to see what happened when a colony of ants became trapped inside and the extreme lengths they went to survive.

Polish Scientists Visited Bunker To Observe Bat Colony

Cellar vaults at the Seeberg
Photo by Soeren Stache/picture alliance via Getty Images

Back in 2013, a group of Polish scientists made a journey to an abandoned bunker where they assumed they were going to be able to observe a colony of bats that they were studying.

The bunker had been part of a now-abandoned nuclear power plant, and the team wasn’t entirely sure what they might find. The facility was now overgrown and home to a variety of different creatures.

Scientists Found Millions Of Ants Around The Bunker

Ants on tree
Ali Atmaca/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

While the scientists may have been looking for bats, what they found was something entirely different. They discovered that the place was covered with ants. There were millions crawling all around the bunker.

While most people might not see this unusual, however, what made this particularly strange is that they had been trapped inside without any of the resources necessary to survive. Even ants need some basic resources in order to continue living.

Two Years Later, They Revisited The Bunker

Black ants
Krystian Dobuszynski/NurPhoto via Getty Images

The team didn’t think much more of the ants, considering that there wasn’t much that they could do for them. Assuming they would eventually die out, they left the bunker and the ants that were trapped within it.

However, when the team returned to the same power plant two years later to check on the ants out of curiosity, they were astonished by what they found. Amazingly, the ant colony hadn’t died off yet, and their numbers showed no signs of dwindling.

The Ants Were Somehow Thriving

Photo credit should read ERIC FEFERBERG/AFP via Getty Images

Instead of the ants slowly dying out like the scientists had assumed that they would, it opposite had happened. The ants appeared to be thriving, and their numbers had at least doubled from their last visit to the power plant two years prior.

There were no clear signs of food or water, so the team was completely clueless how this phenomenon managed to take place.

How Did The Ants Manage To Survive?

Leafcutter Ants
Wolfgang Kaehler/LightRocket via Getty Images

Regardless that the ants had access to virtually no food and water, it wasn’t utterly unbelievable that they were still alive. Ants are incredibly resilient and resourceful creatures, one of the reasons that they have been in existence for so long.

Some colonies have been found inside walls, under concrete, and even inside a car engine. But for these ants’ situation, this still all seemed like a bit of a stretch. On top of that, they had multiplied!

The Ants Were Forced To Adapt

Ants nest
Visual China Group via Getty Images

This particular colony of ants had no choice and they either needed to adapt to their surroundings or die. Even though it might have seemed like an impossible task, these minuscule insects managed to find a way.

Programmed to do what they needed to do to survive, the ants did the unthinkable. When it comes to starvation, almost all creatures will go to extreme lengths to eat in order to survive.

The Colony Showed Signs Of Cannibalism

Ants feeding
Timothy Seren/ullstein bild via Getty Images

As it turns out, these trapped ants resorted to eating their own kind as a source of food. The colony began partaking in cannibalism on the bodies of their fellow ants. Some of the ants, both alive and dead, showed evidence of bite marks from other ants.

This would provide the answer to not only how the ants had survived for so long, but how the colony managed to double since the last time that the researchers encountered them.

What Was So Significant About These Wounds?

Ants on a cup
Nurcholis Anhari Lubis/Getty Images

Incredibly, the cannibalistic wounds that were found on the deceased ants all seemed to be around one specific area, the abdomen. While this may seem random, scientists have discovered an explanation for why this might be.

As it turns out, ants share their resources with one another more so than most other creatures on planet Earth. The reasoning behind this might prove to be more gruesome than most people think.

Why The Abdomen?

Red ant
Schellhorn/ullstein bild via Getty Images

While most people might assume that the ants began eating each other for the simple reason to survive, it’s actually a lot darker than that.

Experts claim that the reason the ants were specifically taking bites out of the abdomens of the other ants was that they believed that the stomach contents of the other ants belonged to them as well. This is why it didn’t take long for this colony of ants to resort to cannibalism.

This Was Proof Of Ants’ Incredible Ability To Survive

Ants on a log
Marco Simonini/REDA&CO/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

No matter how gruesome it may seem, the scientists were undoubtedly impressed by the resilience of these insects. Not only was it resourceful, but it proved to be incredibly effective.

Ants are insects that are programmed to survive and thrive “even under conditions going far beyond the limits of the survival of the species.” For example, some ant colonies have even managed to survive floods by creating rafts made up entirely of their own bodies.

Studying These Ants Led To Important Insights

Ant Colony
Photo by Raymond Kleboe/Picture Post/Hulton Archive/Getty Images

The discovery and documentation of the colony of cannibalistic ants proved to be useful to fellow researchers, especially those who study the behaviors of ants and other insects.

It helped to prove that ants are truly a remarkable species, far more capable than many people believe.